United States
I can buy an Emax. There's a manual that tells me every thing from motor, video card, flight controller, ESC, antenna, you name it. Same with iFlight. In fact many companies will brag about what components are selected for their integrated drones. More to the point there are places that will fix your drone that aren't "DJI". I'm sure if you contact them they could easily send you a parts list you could ask for since DJI clearly are just being jerks about it. After all the Chinese never had a problem with stealing from Americans I see NO reason why the reverse shouldn't apply. What DJI fails to understand is that people have been building drones LONG BEFORE they came around. We build cars well before they built the Hyundai but we can still buy an alternator, it still has a part number & if you don't want to pay for that stupid metric version I'm sure there's an imperial equivalent that will fit it. So "standard practice" is for a manual to be included with a car that will show you how everything works on the car. How to change the oil, adjust the valves all the way down to connect your bluetooth phone.
That said, can you get a parts list for an iPhone? Of course you can. You can order individual components online & build it at home for a lot less than you pay for in the store. Parts are made in Japan & Taiwan. They're just shipped by China because of geography. Just as China has stolen so much from Apple already & built Samsung from it because they felt they were "sharing", I'm sure Americans can "share" that information with you. But just as China "over shared" & lost the contract Apple desktop manufacturing & got sued over copying Apple store design aesthetics & lying to potential employees about being "the real apple stores". Trust me. Approved or not, it's all about where you look for parts. |