Flight distance : 129567 ft
United States
I've had my Standard since February and couldn't be happier. I'm getting 1 km flights regularly with the DJI Go App. I usually use the Litchi App which leads to longer flights because the program is uploaded to the aircraft and will complete a mission even if the rc loses contact with the aircraft. 100 percent success rate when I don't do something really stupid. I recently had a crash that was all my fault. It would have happened with any of the Phantoms. It was a lot easier seeing $500 going down than the more expensive models. Lucky I am pretty handy and should be flying again today to the tune of $65. Also, I haven't had any problems with upgrades except for having to try a couple of times for some of them. Read the manual, often. Watch the tutorial vids, often. Spend time on the forums, often. That's how I figured out how to repair my gimbal after my crash. Start slow, often. And , speaking from personal experience, don't get cocky once you start to get a little success behind you. The P3S has a lot going for it at a great price. Have fun and fly safe. |