How would you rate your DJI Phantom 3 experience?
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7393 125 2016-8-21
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I was wondering what the majority on this forum think regarding their drone experience with DJI products. This poll will be inacurate in a total perspective as we are a minority compared to total sales on this forum(i think?). My experience with this forum is very tidy and polite people so hope to have a good indication. Feel free to add what your thoughts of improvement could be as well on your drone.
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8.65% (27)
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Flight distance : 1540131 ft
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United States

I think DJI products are outstanding! I have enjoyed my P3P since I purchased it and have over 400 flights. DJI is a young company with a lot of problems that they are trying to figure out. One of the major problems they have is stress cracks forming on our Phantoms. I can't figure out why, with all their technology and smarts that they are unable to figure this problem out and relieve our (customers) frustrations and I'm sure their frustration too and redevelop the mold that produces the A/C body!? I believe just a bit more plastic in the areas where the cracks form, or, some sort of internal structure that will beef up those areas could relieve most of the crackage.
Of course this isn't the end of their problems, but if they could tackle them one at a time and not wait till customers has reached the top frustration level. I guess it might take several years to handle a crack?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 459416 ft

I have trouble responding to the poll because it is very generic. As with any product, the ownership experience includes not just the the product itself, but the product support and the overall product direction.

Personally, I would rate the product as very good and I thoroughly enjoy flying  it. I also think that a couple of the DJI staff in these threads can also be very helpful.  On the other hand, I find the overall DJI company approach to marketing and support (specifically updates) to be extremely disappointing. The biggest issue for me is the total uncertainty about firmware and software releases. DJI repeatedly provides release notes with notes on enhancements or additional features whilst totally omitting major changes which can have a negative  affect on  owners. I have raised some of these before but a prime example is the invalidion of third party batteries with absolutely no warning in the release notes. It's not about whether the changes are a good or bad thing; it's all about being honest with customers about what those firmware changes will entail. With the exception of my firm belief that the range has been reduced in recent releases, any other changes have not impacted me greatly but that's not to say that future firmware changes won't and it bothers me that any such changes may be implemented with no warning in the release notes. It comes down to trust.

I have now owned my P3A for about six months and, based on the product alone, would most likely be looking at a P4 by now however the uncertainty of what is in store with future firmware upgrades gives me cause for concern and is delaying any additional purchase decision. Will we have future power/range reductions, extensions  to no fly zones or other restrictions? Who knows?  What I do know is that I can't rely on the release notes to provide that information.

What I would really love to see is some kind of roadmap from DJI as to where the P3 firmware and software is headed.
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MaYhEm sMiLeY
Flight distance : 9850387 ft

Love my P3 4K works like a champ
Occasionally lose the signal in close proximity with clear path directly to the drone following DJI's antenna instructions, this is in locations where I fly all the time and the majority of the time without any issues.
There's a deserted island in the middle of a river close to me and I was flying around the end of the island. The trees blocked the signal to a full loss of signal, the bird started a full RTH and once I got the signal back I cancelled and continued flying. That was the first time since I owned it, bought it June 27, 2016.
The cracks are worrisome, but I do a full inspection before every flight and from what I see DJI is honouring the warranty.
P3 is super stable in pretty strong winds.
Pics and videos are awesome and the battery life is excellent for me.
There are definitely worse quads and companies in comparison to DJI, I feel confident that things will only get better as long as they don't spread themselves too thin.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 558173 ft

Products are definitively great, but prices are still too high.  Wouldn't pay more than 400€ for a P3S.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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mjlstudios Posted at 2016-8-21 12:50
I think DJI products are outstanding! I have enjoyed my P3P since I purchased it and have over 400 f ...

I absolutely agree with you! I'm guessing but maybe all their focus is on P4 and newer to come? I certainly hope i'm wrong as I cant afford upgrading as soon as a new Phantom is on the market. Havent had any stresscracks yet on mine, but that really should be the easiest problem to fix compared some of the other ones. And would leave a load of customers happy with that alone.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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JockC Posted at 2016-8-21 12:59
I have trouble responding to the poll because it is very generic. As with any product, the ownership ...

Luckily i haven't REALLY needed support yet so i'm no one to tell good or bad. Should be mentioned as you say that the DJI-reps here is really helpful IMO. Agreed on being absolutely open about firmware updates( i mean why not?). Really cant understand why they would reduce range and everyone is to see on this forum that i'ts no coincidence by one or two unluckies. Maybe to get them to upgrade to advanced(?). Let's hope the future restrictions dont put us in a soccer field sized area..
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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MaYhEm sMiLeY Posted at 2016-8-21 14:08
Love my P3 4K works like a champ
Occasionally lose the signal in close proximity with clear path dir ...

How many hours do you have? I'm yet to have cracks on my P34K!
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United States

Mariuss Posted at 2016-8-21 10:52
How many hours do you have? I'm yet to have cracks on my P34K!

So far, I have had no problems with my P3S and it does everything I want it to do with 100+ flights.  I use it mostly for documenting area historic or cultural sites, including photographically documenting and mapping (with GPS positions) El Camino Real trail through New Mexico and an ongoing excavation at a 1600s built mission pueblo.  Many stretches of the trail are no longer visible on GoogleEarth or on the ground, but from 100-150 feet up, plain as day.

I have not experienced any of the update or range problems or cracked shells so common on this forum and feel sorry for those that have and wonder if just a difference in how one is built at the factory over another.  Just don't know.  I do think DJI is a company whose product was wildly successful beyond their initial dreams, and as such, are still going through growing pains in better developing distributors, repair centers, and general service.  I do also believe many of the "repairs" they address are due to operator error often blamed on the Phantom.  It's not quite the "fly out of the box" that many think.  A complicated machine, works well if you learn it and pay attention.  I also have a P2V+ and I look forward to see what the next generation or two of birds may be.  Lastly, I enjoy these forums and have learned a lot to hone my own skills.  Good flying to all.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Thanks for all who have positive posting about your experience, we really appreciate it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 6491926 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-22 06:36
Thanks for all who have positive posting about your experience, we really appreciate it.

Ken, you are part of what makes it a good experience. You have helped me and I see you have helped so many here. Thanks!
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MaYhEm sMiLeY
Flight distance : 9850387 ft

Mariuss Posted at 2016-8-21 12:52
How many hours do you have? I'm yet to have cracks on my P34K!

13.5 hours with 121 Kms 146 flights top speed was with a tail wind at 17.2 M/S
Man you're reminding how much I love this thing, couldn't fly today it was way too windy and rained all afternoon.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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rreindl Posted at 2016-8-22 07:15
Ken, you are part of what makes it a good experience. You have helped me and I see you have helped ...

Anytime, that is what we are here for. BUT there's so many users and not a ton of us so sometimes a thread post may go unanswered. If it does then just ask again.
We try as hard as we can
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Flight distance : 260384 ft

I only flew “toy” drones (Parrot’s AR-Drone (junk) and Costco’s $80 Propel toy drones).  They were fun and the last did teach my thumbs how to work remote controls, but they were just toys.  
Then my wife got me a P3A.  What an amazing areal camera!  I was SO CAUTIOUS due to the many crashes of the “toys”, but now am up to 53 flights, some .65 miles away.  I have tested all features (3 RTH ways, POI, Way-Points and more).  I take tours of our and other neighborhoods at 300 feet and fly over the river and wildlife areas feeling like a soaring hawk.  The RTH feature is amazing and twice has brought my bird home after loosing contact due to too many trees.  
The support on the board is amazing and I have also had good support at  I watch for cracks and for battery cell-to-cell consistency and to tighten my blade well before taking off and so much more from this board.
So in total, I am just amazed at the sophistication, engineering and capabilities of this machine.  
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Flight distance : 1386588 ft

I've been doing Rc since 1982, planes, helicopters, heck even cars and boats, and I can say unequivocally that this p3p experience has been astonishing...I've spent much more on a helicopter for far less technology...that being said, sometimes the stability is boring lol so I get a Heli out and get my adrenaline going.  But the dji experience has all around been outstanding.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

Like many, I gave a good (product) review/vote, but would really like to see a big improvement in the plastic used.  My shell had cracks very early in life.  It may have even come with them brand new like I know some of them did, but I didn't know enough to look for them when I got it.  It wasn't until I joined this forum and saw mention of the problem here a month or so later that I looked and found a few.  They, and many more, are still there more than a year later.  When they start to bother me due to strength issues, I'll replace the shell.  I just hope that a new material can be found by then.  I'm curious how the P4 shell material compares.  It feels different and stronger to me.  I hope it is a big improvement.  I look forward to upgrading to a P5, P6, or whatever, if the feds haven't driven us out of the sky by the time I'm ready.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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rreindl Posted at 2016-8-22 01:15
Ken, you are part of what makes it a good experience. You have helped me and I see you have helped ...

^count me in on that one!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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MaYhEm sMiLeY Posted at 2016-8-22 01:33
13.5 hours with 121 Kms 146 flights top speed was with a tail wind at 17.2 M/S
Man you're remindin ...

Thats a neat amount of flying time mayhem!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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AG0N-Gary Posted at 2016-8-22 05:01
Like many, I gave a good (product) review/vote, but would really like to see a big improvement in th ...

Cant even imagine what features P5 and so on will have!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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The only thing i would change on my P34K is CE-FCC really. I dont have any need to go further than 1.2km(FCC range on 4K), and usually i fly no further than 550m, but would be great to know signalstrength handles the distance for safety reasons.
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Bought the P3S a few months ago and I'm delighted about its performance. I can't count all the crashes I had with 'park drones', or the money it cost me in the year I've been practicing this hobby, but the Phantoms are really something else. Congrats on your products and I'm looking forward to what future generations of the Phantom can do. (Hope for the Phantom 5 so the Phantom 4 will be reduced in price :p)

About the cracks: couldn't it be that it is caused by transporting the quadcopter with the battery in it? During transport the quad hangs on its arms in the box and the weight of the battery could crack an arm on a bumpy road.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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Ayo Posted at 2016-8-22 12:13
Bought the P3S a few months ago and I'm delighted about its performance. I can't count all the crash ...

It may very well be the case, but i think harder landings and aggressive flying puts more stress on the hull. Unbalanced props may also be an issue.
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MaYhEm sMiLeY
Flight distance : 9850387 ft

Mariuss Posted at 2016-8-22 04:48
Thats a neat amount of flying time mayhem!

How about you Mariuss? How's it going?
I primarily fly over river and lakes. I don't worry about line of sight that way. I didn't trust it up until recently when I lost my signal flying around a deserted island. It earned my trust with that RTH. Plus it is super serene flying over rivers and lakes. People don't give you as many dirty looks there.
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United States

I am a weekend hobbyist only.  I pull my P3P out about once a month on average.  I don't spend a lot of time fiddling with it, I just fly it.  I don't spend a lot of money on it, either.  For example, I bought a piece of sheet ND filter and cut several circles out of it.  I carefully layer them up as needed inside the existing screw-on lens.  Works perfectly.  Looks good.

I would say that DJI products are of reasonable quality and for me anyway, they seem to work more or less correctly.

The prices are way too high.  Way too high.  If they were more reasonable, I would buy more.

I had an issue where I was charged for extra batteries but did not receive them for a month.  The vendor told me that DJI, "wouldn't release them".

GEO fencing was very poorly introduced and implemented.

I think the DJI staff here in this forum are great.

I have had no reason to contact support so I can not comment there.

My biggest issue with DJI has always been the marketing.  As in any business, marketing does not add value and it does not serve the customer.  Quite the opposite, actually.  My suggestion would be to fire the marketeers and put that money toward R&D.

If govt doesn't ban these things or make them too difficult to fly, I think that soon, very soon, the competition will be such that prices will drop to something a little more realistic.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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MaYhEm sMiLeY Posted at 2016-8-22 13:32
How about you Mariuss? How's it going?
I primarily fly over river and lakes. I don't worry about l ...

I've clocked in 4 hours of air time and about 35km of distance. Not very much but then again its my first month still, so happy with that. You can really get some awesome shots over rivers and water. Just upon recently i dared to do it myself, wont ever look back!
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Flight distance : 23835 ft
United States

I sent my P3S out for warranty work last week. I'll wait until I receive it back to answer the poll. I'd like to include my experience with their customer service as well. Everything has been good so far.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States
Offline Posted at 2016-8-22 20:14
I am a weekend hobbyist only.  I pull my P3P out about once a month on average.  I don't spend a lot ...

For the money, there is nothing out there that gives you the technology that is in a DJI aircraft.
Several years ago, to get the technology that's in your Phantom would cost several thousands of dollars.
For what you get, I am extremely impressed.
I do not know what the battery issue was that you had, if you pre-ordered it then that's how it was for everyone.
Hope you get to fly your Phantom more often and really enjoy it.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

mfojas430@insit Posted at 2016-8-22 22:35
I sent my P3S out for warranty work last week. I'll wait until I receive it back to answer the poll. ...

We look forward to hearing your results.
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Mariuss Posted at 2016-8-22 07:03
It may very well be the case, but i think harder landings and aggressive flying puts more stress o ...

I agree with the harder landings and shipped with battery, but I does say ready to fly right out of the box, so IMO DJI should ship balanced props..
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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

Batteries are not shipped in the Phantom.  They are in a separate cardboard box within the main box.
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Flight distance : 488904 ft

United States

I've never been a DJI fanboy. I've owned Yuneec but I have to say that the Phantom 3 and 4 are still the best in the market right now. I sold my Yuneec and switched to the Phantom 3 Pro to get the distance. I'm very happy.
Am I the only one that have never calibrated my compass? LOL
It's true!
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

UCLABruins Posted at 2016-8-24 01:08
I've never been a DJI fanboy. I've owned Yuneec but I have to say that the Phantom 3 and 4 are still ...

Thanks for posting, If your aircraft is stable without drift and the mod values are between 1,000-2,000 and the app does not say it's required then your good to go.And for the money, you will not find kind of technology in any other manufacture.
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Flight distance : 488904 ft

United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-23 13:50
Thanks for posting, If your aircraft is stable without drift and the mod values are between 1,000-2 ...

This is very embarrassing but I assume I can get the Gyroscope Mod, Acceleration Mod,
and Compass Mod values directly from the DJI Go App? My bird has been perfect so far that I've really had nothing to do but enjoy it.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

UCLABruins Posted at 2016-8-24 23:18
This is very embarrassing but I assume I can get the Gyroscope Mod, Acceleration Mod,
and Compass  ...

Yes, you can see the Mod values in the app and it should also be part of a checklist just to make sure all the sensors are functioning correctly.
From the settings menu: Main Controller Settings, Advanced Settings, Sensors, and there you'll see the values.
Gyroscope should be less then .03
Acceleration less then .05
Compass 1,000-2,000
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2480515 ft
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jamiehayman Posted at 2016-8-22 22:27
I agree with the harder landings and shipped with battery, but I does say ready to fly right out o ...

I bet there's one in 100 that's the unlucky one with the props, for all i know they check each one before shipping!
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United States

Overall good products, but trying to make them idiot proof is an effort in itself impossible.  Too many things seem to go wrong.  I have had 3 DJI products, enjoy flying them but I have to fix or navigate apps etc to get some functions to work properly.  Realizing tweaks are necessary but for $1000.00 or more I expect a good product and customer service, when required.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2847851 ft
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I had good experience with european support (DJI Netherlands) for a fault battery. Communication was smooth and they replaced the battery for free (cell 1 broken, just 27 cycles) in 8 working days. About my Phantom 3 Pro, it's the first time I use a RTF multirotor. I'm mainly a DIY guy (copters, planes, then first mikrokopter quad, then Wookong and some Naza equipped hexas) but I'm very impressed with the overall quality of the product so far, considering the price. The only thing, the only one, that actually is driving me crazy is the infamous tilted horizon. I spent three days to read the whole forum, even those related to the other DJI multirotors, trying the most absurd tricks to fix it, but it seems a common problem. Sometimes when I fly it is straight for the entire flight session, the next one is quite off. I can still live with that, but I sincerely hope for a fix in a future release. That said, best wishes to DJI and their support guys.
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Flight distance : 41568 ft
United States

I have no issues with DJI products. I'm the consumer that bought a P3 and a case full of accessories to determine if I like this hobby. If I do Im the guy that will buy a loaded Inspire or Matrice. I've had to have no contact re: warranty and for what I see DJI is represented well here.

I think these units can do more than you're letting us do or your software team needs new lead devs. Too much buggy firmware/software is making it out the door. Or you should buy one of the third parties. DJI Go is more user simple but a product like Autopilot and in a lesser sense Litchi show that the bird is capable of more.   Define a platform and code to it. Drop support for things like Note 3 (really, it's what, 3 years old?) and code to current gen hardware with x1 gen back. I'm a tech guy, I expect my hardware to be refreshed on regular intervals.

That's mine.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-8-22 10:43
For the money, there is nothing out there that gives you the technology that is in a DJI aircraft. ...

Sure, the high price is easier to justify when the tech is new and exiting, and there's little competition (yet), and I'd bet the profit margin is very, very high.

However, I still bought a P3P.  

I already had my P3P and one battery but DJI wouldn't "release" any more batteries for a month even though my money had been taken.  I finally received my batteries only after a gentle reminder that legal action could be pursued.  To date, DJI has provided no explanation.

The issues for DJI are that, at these prices, I won't buy any more.  Plus, I'm waiting for either the competition to force a drop in prices or for the govt to limit drone use to the point that it's not fun any more.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States
Offline Posted at 2016-8-25 20:29
Sure, the high price is easier to justify when the tech is new and exiting, and there's little comp ...

Everyone who pre-ordered only got one battery and when ordering DJI even stated that the extra battery would be shipped at a later date. Myself and lots of others that I knew also only got one battery and had to wait for the 2nd.
I'm quite sure you will still buy DJI, there are AMAZING things in the pipeline and I promise you that you will not find anything out there for the value.
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