Did DJI fixed your P3S "signal lost" issue???
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Flight distance : 8117 ft
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Bought new P3S 3 weeks ago and updated to latest FW straight out of the box.
(Should have checked forums before updating!!!)

Ok, these are my experiences...
I fly at 2 different locations:

- First location there is no Wifi interference from other devices. The only signal listed on the wifi list is the P3-signal.
  Here I fly without problems. Always remain connected. Around 1000m (I have Argtek mod installed) the rc and/or video signal gets weak and
  signal gets lost. Then RTH. All normal. In closer range never get "signal lost" or "disconnected" warning on the app.

- Second location there are a lot of Wifi signals in the air. Sometimes more than 10 signals on the wifi list + P3 signal.
  At this location I'm getting "signal lost" warning all over the place. Even in short range at 10m.
  Red bar "signal lost" and freesed grey video screen, no telemetry update...
  When the screen freeses the rc and video signal strength are still 100% indicated on the app!!!
  The drone can be controlled manually and RTH with switch keeps working.
  Signal lost warning is instant without weak signal warnings from rc or video.

I guess, and please correct me if you think I'm wrong, it's the signal between transmitter and mobile device that gets lost.
Probably beceause of the surrounding wifi interference...

How many P3S owners have had this issue resolved by sending the drone back for repair???
If your drone returned from DJI with this issue resolved and still running on latest FW this can only have been fixed
with a hardware replacement! Maybe the hardware was not damaged and needed no repair. But they simply install a never updated hardware component
that fixes the issue...
Calling back ALL P3S for hardware updating would be a huge costload. Owners who are actually claiming their issue is just a small percentage of all P3S drones in the world.

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I have the same setup as you, and I experience the exact same behaviour on my P3S. When there is no other wifi signal, range is good and stable. When there are wifi signals in the air, I also the signal lost warning after about 10m. Controlling the drone is still possible. I am running the latest firmware.

Just a few days ago I bought the Litchi app. Still have to test of the problem still exists. Anyone else with the same problems/setup? Also I wonder if DBS Mod or FPVLR antenna will solve the problem in crowded wifi area.

Thanks in advance.
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Flight distance : 8117 ft
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I think changing antennas is not the solution. According several forums the problem is more CE related and not FCC. FCC mode has stronger output signal and that seems to keep the external wifi interference away.
So I'm planning on installing Sunhans 3W 2.4 wifibooster on the transmitterantenna. This would give strong output signal (even higher than FCC mode)
Flew 10 minutes ago in my interference-free location without problems.
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Flight distance : 8117 ft
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After updating my Nexus 7 tablet to Android v. 6... I get a pop-up warning from android that P3 wifi is not an active internet connection.
(Nothing new, just a new feature in the Android-FW update that creates this pop-up now)
Any chance that the tablet is trying to establish active internet connection with other interfering wifi causing the "signal lost" in the app?
I also installed Litchi on other device and will test later. However I think this will not be the answer to the signal problem...
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Flight distance : 8117 ft
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Just performed first flight (in zero interference area) with Litchi. All perfect!
Will check later this week with Litchi in other area with wifi interference from other devices.
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Flight distance : 8117 ft
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In Litchi: My P3S went out 1500m at 50m altitude. The day after I reached 2040m at 90m altitude before RTH was activated.
Again I'm in CE mode with Argtek antenna mod.
Both flights in my complete interference free area.
Didn't had the chance yet to fly in my heavy interference area. Will follow later this week.
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Same in perfect conditions across water, no obstructions, i get to 1500m with full bars on transmission and image, then from nowhere, RTH gets activated.
sorry thats with a windsurfer, without the windsurfer i get 1500m but every 300m i get weak signal warning.In a open field lucky if i get 500-600m with no obstructions.running all the latest updates on a PA3.
Where is this 5km i was told it delivered? Glorified Kite!
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Flight distance : 8117 ft
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opendoor499 Posted at 2016-9-5 09:01
Same in perfect conditions across water, no obstructions, i get to 1500m with full bars on transmiss ...

5 km might be "in your dreams", but 1,5 km seems to short on P3A (Lightbridge)
What altitude do you fly?
I noticed that range increases when flying higher.
On my P3S with Argtek mod I get double range with 2 x altitude:
- 1000m at 50m altitude
- 2000m at 100m altitude
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