Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Aloha jazzack,
The bees are simple drones. You are flying an intelligent drone. ----- Well, obviously there is a competition going on there!
Now, you know there had to be a joke in there somewhere! It is not unusual for bees to attack Phantoms. They make for some of the more entertaining videos posted on the Forum. But, the big question is how many bees are jamming your signal? We regularly get body parts and juices screwing up our Phantoms when they encounter bees. This could very well be your problem. You should find another location at least 1 km away and see if the problem is still there.
Let us know how it goes. Post some videos of those Kamakazies! Actually, bees are our primary pollinators and are under stress due to environmental concerns. Hopefully finding another location until the "attack" season has passed will solve your problem. But do let us know how it goes.
Aloha and Drone On! |