Second Officer
Flight distance : 27434 ft
United Kingdom
F550, Naza M V2 as well. Straight out of the box my gains were 125 255 244 130 140 140. Through a lengthy trial and error process I'm currently at 180 180 140 90 140 140.
Everything seems fine now (as I recall - no flying for 7 weeks, weather in UK). The trickiest to get right has been the 4th, Vertical. Last time I flew it was on 100, but showed a desire to descend, so I've moved to 90, though untested at the moment.
Comparing my current setting and the out of the box settings, you can see how far out the original values were. 255 and 244 are lunatic!
I hope you have a ball building it. I loved every moment of tinkering. |