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34009 34009 2016-9-7
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom


On my my past flights i have had signal loss,upon which the RTH was activated as its suppose to and flew back to me/home point all good, but on 1 occasion i had signal loss followed by blank screen with discconnected in red at top of screen in dji go app with red light on RC,then my p3 pro has landed  at the point of RC disconnection as i manged to find it by looking on the flight plan,making a note of the co ordinates of when it started to land then putting co ordinates into google maps which took me straight to it.

But i was under the impression that the RTH would be activated also when disconnected ? is there a setting in the dji go app for this ?

Many thanks
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DJI Mindy

Hello,please check your settings and if your aircraft is flying under 20 meters , the aircraft will automatically land. Please refer to below image.
RTH 2.png
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Mindy Posted at 2016-9-8 09:16
Hello,please check your settings and if your aircraft is flying under 20 meters , the aircraft will  ...

Thanks for the reply, i have just checked my settings, the remote controller signal lost is set to return to home, but i was flying at 250 feet altitude when rc got disconnected and landed. Not sure what happened as the ac was way above the 20m/65 feet.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2016-9-8 04:16
Hello,please check your settings and if your aircraft is flying under 20 meters , the aircraft will  ...

Sorry, but that's know how I understand that to work. If you haven't changed the default of 20m (65') and your flying under that height, it will ascend to 65 feet (unless you had increase that setting) and then RTH. Not just land at that location, that only happens if your within 65 feet (20m) from the home point and start a RTH.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-8 11:16
Thanks for the reply, i have just checked my settings, the remote controller signal lost is set t ...

Read my above post first. Good job using your head with the coordinates and google maps to find it. How far did you have to walk?
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Henry Mo-Yung
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
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Hong Kong

Hi, how far was the AC away from you when you experienced that signal lost?

Did you press the RTH button during that signal lost / blank screen situation?

Was the aircraft more or less intact when you recovered it?

These were what it might have happened - upon RC control signal lost, the AC triggered failsafe RTH, and started flying back to you. Shortly afterwards, it should have been flown back to the "twilight" zone where the AC could just read RC control signal but had not yet been able to establish the video downlink / telemetry signal connection with the RC (By design, the RC control range is longer than video downlink / telemetry range). Homing through this "twilight" zone, there was no way you could tell from your perspective that the AC was homing, because of the lack of video downlink / telemetry signal on your RC / tablet from the AC. Had you ever pressed the RTH button on the RC trying to trigger the Smart RTH at that moment? If you did have pressed it, you might have sent out a "cancel RTH" command to the AC (Please see page 26 of the P3P manual). The AC would then have been hovering in place until reaching critical low battery state, and eventually landed itself below where it hovered.

These were what I can speculate with the limited information from you. Hope this can help you to diagnose the confusing encountering.

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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

wmcvey Posted at 2016-9-8 16:54
Read my above post first. Good job using your head with the coordinates and google maps to find it ...

10,000 Feet away, so quite far. But i was in the car so was only like a 5 min drive to the farmers field where it had landed.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

Henry Mo-Yung Posted at 2016-9-8 16:57
Hi, how far was the AC away from you when you experienced that signal lost?

Did you press the RTH b ...

i wa at 10,000 feet out at the point of rc signal lost. I did not press rth during signal loss as the ac always did rth when had signal loss before but went to disconnected quickly after, screen was blank, no info etc.

When it had landed the aircraft was all fine,just sitting in the middle of a field, with 54% battery. Not 100% sure what happened though. Might have cancelled the RTH as you have said as i pressed RTH when i got disconnected, which now seems may have cancelled the intitial RTH that was initiated when disconnected.

For future reference/flights what action do i take when i get the signal loss/disconnected issue ?

as i would rather have my aircraft  return to me than having to go and look for it.

thank you
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-8 13:58
i wa at 10,000 feet out at the point of rc signal lost. I did not press rth during signal loss as ...

Double check to make sure you have RTH set as the action taking when you have RC signal loss. All equipment needs to be powered up when checking, device, RC and drone. If it had 54% battery power left, it couldn't have landed because of low battery. Unless you have your critical low battery level set that high.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-8 13:42
10,000 Feet away, so quite far. But i was in the car so was only like a 5 min drive to the farmers ...

Wow, almost two miles. I would had shxx a brick. I just ordered the Trackimo, coming via UPS today.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

wmcvey Posted at 2016-9-9 02:24
Wow, almost two miles. I would had shxx a brick. I just ordered the Trackimo, coming via UPS today ...

The Trackimo is a awesome little gadget and built very well. I love them,
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 01:58
i wa at 10,000 feet out at the point of rc signal lost. I did not press rth during signal loss as  ...

If your RTH is set to RTH and you didn't press the button disengaging it or set a new homepoint then it should have came back to you.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 19:28
If your RTH is set to RTH and you didn't press the button disengaging it or set a new homepoint th ...

Yes the RC signal loss is set to RTH,Although when i got disconnected i did press the RTH which now seems i may have cancelled the RTH that was already initiated by the disconnection. But still unsure as to why it landed with 54% battery but  I am guessing it landed after i accidently cancelled the RTH by mistake and because it was disconnected it just landed where it was.

For future reference/flights  if i get disconnected again do i just wait for the RTH to kick in and just wait till it starts to fly back to me ?

i will make sure ill check the rc signal loss is set to RTH, i now know not to press the RTH when disconnected, instead i just wait ?

many thanks
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 02:37
Yes the RC signal loss is set to RTH,Although when i got disconnected i did press the RTH which n ...

The app will tell you what mode it's in, if it's not in Go Home then you still have RC control and just turn around and follow the green line back a bit until you get video again.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

wmcvey Posted at 2016-9-8 19:15
Double check to make sure you have RTH set as the action taking when you have RC signal loss. All  ...

in future flights i'll make sure i will double check the rc signal loss is set to RTH for sure,no my critical low battery level is set at 20%. So from what i know now i might have cancelled the RTH that was started by the disconnection by pressing RTH again by mistake ( little bit of panic)

So if i get disconnected again i just wait for RTH to kick in ?

Many thanks
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 19:42
The app will tell you what mode it's in, if it's not in Go Home then you still have RC control and ...

I would not be able to do that as i had blank screen with no info/video etc, so i could not turn around and follow green line back, the mode status was N/A also, red light on rc aswell.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 02:48
I would not be able to do that as i had blank screen with no info/video etc, so i could not turn  ...

When you lose video you should still have a map view.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 19:50
When you lose video you should still have a map view.

oh ok, as i also had the red light on rc i thought i had no control over ac ?

so if i have the rc signal loss set to RTH and i get disconnected do i just wait for the RTH to kick in ?

many thanks again for your help with this,im trying understand what went wrong/what i did wrong and how to prevent it happening again.

i can not thank you enough DJI-KEN and other that have helped me
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 19:27
The Trackimo is a awesome little gadget and built very well. I love them,

i was also thinking of a gps tracker such as the tk102,seem to be cheap,easy to setup,reliable.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 03:06
i was also thinking of a gps tracker such as the tk102,seem to be cheap,easy to setup,reliable.

I also had that one, (there are fakes ones out there and they don't work) and it worked great as well but you need a SIM card and a data plan.
Back then I had a work phone and my phone, whenever I flew (after work) I'd just use the SIM card from the work phone.
At least the Trackimo included the SIM and plan for the first year, then $5 a month after.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 20:17
I also had that one, (there are fakes ones out there and they don't work) and it worked great as w ...

ok with the trackimo as i understand it, i pay a one off fee for the trackimo/sim data plan for the year, then $5 per year thereafter ? how do you attach your trackimo to your ac ? by a bracket of some sort ?

Just looked on amazon uk and found this - ... PG0DWVBRM2F19S07ZHX

is this what i'm looking for ?

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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 03:27
ok with the trackimo as i understand it, i pay a one off fee for the trackimo/sim data plan for t ...

Yes, that's it. Just google trackimo/your aircraft and you'll find mounts out there.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 20:39
Yes, that's it. Just google trackimo/your aircraft and you'll find mounts out there.

great many thanks again DJI-KEN

Just to confirm, ill make sure my rc signal loss is set to RTH,then if i do get disconnected i just wait for the RTH to kick in for the ac to fly back to me ?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-8 14:48
I would not be able to do that as i had blank screen with no info/video etc, so i could not turn a ...

Your right, red light = no control. Green light = still control. So like Ken said, even if your video downlink has gone down you might still have map view and can at least see which way you're facing and start to fly back home. But yes the LED on the RC needs to be green.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 03:42
great many thanks again DJI-KEN

Just to confirm, ill make sure my rc signal loss is s ...

Yes, you should get the warning that RTH will activate in 10 seconds and leave it alone and it will activate. Cancel it and you will have control.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft

wmcvey Posted at 2016-9-8 15:07
Your right, red light = no control. Green light = still control. So like Ken said, even if your vi ...

as i thought, in my case/situation i must have i pressed the RTH when i got disconnected ( little panic) instead of waiting for the RTH to kick in as mentioned by DJI-Ken, so when i pressed the RTH i  cancelled the RTH by mistake not realising the failsafe disconnected RTH had already kicked in.

But as i had red light on RC i had no control over AC at that point anyway.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-8 15:14
Yes, you should get the warning that RTH will activate in 10 seconds and leave it alone and it wil ...

great thanks for confirming that for me DJI-Ken, i ll leave it alone for the RTH to kick in and wait for AC to fly back to me in future,

many thanks again to you and wmcvey
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United Kingdom

Im having this exact same problem loses signal. Comes up saying signal lost RTH but then it says RTH failed or something and it just hovers. the status on the DJI go app is disconnected and the entire screen is greyed out. However i then turned the remote off and it kicked RTH in.
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Henry Mo-Yung
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
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Hong Kong

TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 03:42
great many thanks again DJI-KEN

Just to confirm, ill make sure my rc signal loss is s ...

My advice - if it's not really necessary, don't fly too far away. Aways orientate the RC antenna exactly perpendicular to the AC in the way as illustrated by DJI.

If you will ever need to go far away, just leave some spare radio transmission / reception capacities by slightly orientating the RC antenna a little bit off-perpendicular to the aircraft when pushing it really far away. In so doing, there will be a higher chance for recovering any apparent lost in RC control signal at the moment of RC signal lost by re-orientating the RC antenna precisely perpendicular to where the AC is. When green light in RC re-appears, you will probably notice the beeping sound from the RC telling you that it has already entered Failsafe RTH state, i.e. homing back. If green light in RC appears again but without beeping, try rotating the AC to re-establish the video downlink. In case you still cannot re-establish video downlink WITH solid green light in RC without beeping sound, the AC should be hovering in place waiting for your command. You can either initiate Smart RTH by pressing and holding the RTH button for 3 seconds, or as Ken suggested, fly back manually following the green line on the map. Make sure to check your AC's altitude in the GO App and ensure it can clear all obstacles in its way back.

These procedures saved my P3P several times when I flew it far away over the sea in checking out the landscape of some outlying islands here in HK.

Hope this help.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

Mozwald Posted at 2016-9-9 04:22
Im having this exact same problem loses signal. Comes up saying signal lost RTH but then it says RTH ...

No sure way, but I've also had that happen to me since being on 1.6.8 FW. But my solution was to use the S2 switch to get RTH to work (have a Standard) after getting this "RTH failed" message. I don't like the turning RC power off unless it's a last resort. I wonder if it really fails or it's still returning and just the app is not certain. Did you actually see it hovering at that point, or did you just assume it was hovering.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

Henry Mo-Yung Posted at 2016-9-9 14:31
My advice - if it's not really necessary, don't fly too far away. Aways point the RC antenna direct ...

Thanks for your reply, but as i has red light on rc i couldn't really do much. Also i now think i pressed RTH without realising and cancelled the RTH failsafe disconnected.
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Flight distance : 260384 ft

Henry Mo-Yung Posted at 2016-9-8 23:57
Hi, how far was the AC away from you when you experienced that signal lost?

Did you press the RTH b ...

Henry Mo-Yung said "Please see page 26 of the P3P manual" referring to the RTH button toggle effect.  I did not know that (didn't remember it from the manual) and it explains one time that RTH did not work.  I almost certainly pushed it twice.  No problem for me, i just flew my P3A home FPV.   This forum is great!
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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TechReviews Posted at 2016-9-9 13:48
great thanks for confirming that for me DJI-Ken, i ll leave it alone for the RTH to kick in and wa ...

Or better yet, don't fly out as far
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Mozwald Posted at 2016-9-9 16:22
Im having this exact same problem loses signal. Comes up saying signal lost RTH but then it says RTH ...

What aircraft do you have?
Have you watched the Best Antenna Practices video?
What flight environment are you flying in?
Are you losing video or RC signal?
Entire screen greyed out?, all the words on the screen are also greyed out?
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Henry Mo-Yung Posted at 2016-9-9 21:31
My advice - if it's not really necessary, don't fly too far away. Aways point the RC antenna direct ...

Great advice, don't fly too far away. But you said point the antennas directly to the AC, that is incorrect. You never want to point the antennas at the aircraft, that gives you the weakest signal.
Always have the antennas perpendicular to the aircraft.
Here's the video.

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United Kingdom

wmcvey Posted at 2016-9-9 15:28
No sure way, but I've also had that happen to me since being on 1.6.8 FW. But my solution was to u ...

Yeah i could see it hovering as it was only 40 metres away. when i turned the remote off and then back on RTH kicked in and it reconnected and was able to take control.
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Henry Mo-Yung
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
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Hong Kong

Thank you Ken, for pointing this out. I might have described it incorrectly.
What I meant was to normally orientating the antenna perpendicular to the AC in exactly the way DJI suggests.

And I meant orientating the antenna slightly off-perpendicular to the AC when pushing the AC far away so that when RC signal lost is encountered (in a shorter-than-optimum range), one may have higher probability to recover RC control by re-orientating the antenna in exactly the way DJI suggests, precisely perpendicular towards the AC.

Hope this clarifies my previous advice. I have edited my posts just to avoid confusions.

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United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-9-9 15:57
What aircraft do you have?
Have you watched the Best Antenna Practices video?
What flight environm ...

I have a P3S. It was on a fairly open field on top of a hill with trees around the edges however the drone wasnt making it to the trees.

i have watched the video however i already do what is advised. i also have a windsurfer. TBH im convinced its my phone so im going to try the same flight again tonight with my ipad and go from there.
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Flight distance : 99852 ft
United Kingdom

Henry Mo-Yung Posted at 2016-9-9 16:08
Thank you Ken. I might have described it incorrectly.

What I meant was to re-orientate the antenna ...

Thanks, i had my antennas in the same way as in the video above, i always have my antennas this way to help with signal etc.

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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Mozwald Posted at 2016-9-9 23:10
I have a P3S. It was on a fairly open field on top of a hill with trees around the edges however t ...

If it does the same with a different device then you may want to contact support and send your aircraft in for evaluation.
When you get far out and start losing video or RC, does the signal strength meter go down as well? If so then it's just the environment, if it still shows full signal then contact support.
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