Second Officer
Flight distance : 343848 ft
United Kingdom
Bit of a last minute request, so I apologise in advance.
Would any of you guys who have the Inspire Pro be willing to do a quick sketch around the nose and gimbal and email it to me tonight. With the dimensions across width in mm. Just a simple line sketch around the front perhaps on an A4 peice of paper is all that I am looking for.
I am looking to have a custom foam insert manufactured for my Inspire 1, but would like to have it so that the Inspire Pro will also fit.
I know the gimbal is slightly wider at the front and would like to allow for this, but obviously dont want to increase the cut out drastically.
Once I have the foam custom made, I will offer it as an item to purchase in the future.
Please PM me and I will send an email.
Thanks in advance...