 First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
Line of sight will always be your best friend, as long as the RC antennas and the Aircraft could have an imaginary laser beam at one another , this is when you get best range. Now keep in mind the naked eye wont be able to see the AC at 1 mile away , just as long as the RC and AC you will get great range . The parabolic reflector helps to focus this signal , You will have to kind of point the Parabolic reflector at the AC to get the best range. Like Cateman says , a few trees , leaves no big deal , but solid objects will crush your range. Height is another big factor , quite often to keep that line of sight you must increase height , use caution here. If you get to the max height in some open terrain you should get 2 miles no problem. I personally get over 3 miles , I am really only limited by my battery pack . Always be mindful of the wind too. If you get far out and get a headwind coming back , you will be in the shit in a hurry. Go distances slowly and learn your capabilities and the systems.
Have fun,
donnie |