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Parabolic Range Boosters
866 6 2016-10-2
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United States

O.K....I bought a pair of copper Parabolic Range Boosters for P4.   I've read of people using different configurations for different settings.

Would somebody explain what works best for them in different settings?

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Flight distance : 2528264 ft
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United States

Aloha MGR,

     Go to this Thread:

Then go down to post #9 and look at the photos of the different configurations.  There is another one later that I missed for post #9.  One thing to note is that you can use only one of the parabolics and the unaided antennae gives you real good coverage when the Phantom is relatively close.

     Note that some of the positions of the parabolics allow greater coverage at a distance.  This is important because range boosters are highly directional.  If you turn away for three seconds, you could send your Phantom into a Return to Home.  If you have your parabolics facing forward and you fly directly over your head, you could also cause a RTH; but the 400 foot limit usually keeps the drone close enough that it is not a problem.

     If you have vegetation between the controller and the Phantom, you will find that the parabolics are good penetraters of vegetation.  But, no matter how powerful your range booster, the booster will not penetrate rock, stone, metal or concrete, so watch what you fly behind.

     Hope this helps!

Aloha and Drone On!
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United States

Thanks for the informative reply.

Happy droning!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Line of sight will always be your best friend, as long as the RC antennas and the Aircraft could  have an imaginary laser beam at one another , this is when you get best range.  Now keep in mind the naked eye wont be able to see the AC at 1 mile away , just as long as the RC and AC you will get great range . The parabolic reflector helps to focus this signal , You will have to kind of point the Parabolic reflector at the AC to get the best range.  Like Cateman says , a few trees , leaves no big deal , but solid objects will crush your range.  Height is another big factor , quite often to keep that line of sight you must increase height , use caution here.  If you get to the max height in some open terrain you should get 2 miles no problem.  I personally get over 3 miles , I am really only limited by my battery pack .  Always be mindful of the wind too.  If you get far out and get a headwind coming back , you will be in the shit in a hurry.  Go distances slowly and learn your capabilities and the systems.

Have fun,

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 14869882 ft
United States

i cannot say these are the greatest thing ever, but I swear they make a difference.. a good 10-25% difference, but still depending on your circumstances. In the open area with no interference I have seen really low difference, simply less "weak signal".. no range change.. in an area with wifi and other interference I have actually seen a distance improvement - in my home area i can fly about 3.5k ft without it, and over 4k ft with it..... so it certainly does focus the signal to some level. P3A.
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Thanks for the great responses guys! Gonna try Cetaman's different configurations.
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United States

So, just curious, are most operator's out there using one or BOTH parabolics when they fly?
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