Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Aloha MGR,
Mahalo for the background. One option that appears to have not been tried is to get sponsored flying areas that can be approved by the County. The reasonable approach is to accommodate all the citizens in a county, the Drone Haters and the Drone Lovers. There are a number of unoccupied islands and wetlands in Lee County with sufficient acreage to accommodate Drone Lovers and model airplane enthusiasts. This is the voice of reason.
If there is an AMA (Academy for Model Aeronautics) branch in Florida (probably), they could lobby for accommodation in Lee County. In the Meet Up section of this Forum, you could get in touch with others in Lee County suffering under the onerous weight of the County Government. They can also contact the AMA. Connect the dots and use the Internet media and newspapers to stress the unreasonableness of the Drone Haters. Big Money talks everywhere, but they get shouted down when they are talking unreasonably. It is kind of hard to invade the privacy of the marsh fowl and alligators of a publicly accessible park that prohibits public nudity. I think Florida already prohibits PIs from using drones and drone footage from being allowed in court. You can always stuff an old sock into an unreasonable mouth.
As drones become more prevalent, and the public learns that cameras are used for other things than just invading peoples privacy; things will turn around. Sure it will take time, but it can be done, and in the case of Lee County, that is about the only way it will get done. Any other approach is probably illegal and just gives the Drone Haters what they need to keep Drone Lovers suppressed.
Laying down and playing dead only gets you run over. (Sorry, I am a community activist and neighborhood board member here in Kahalu'u, [Transportation & Safety Chair]. I specialize in media.)
Aloha and Drone On! |