Well updated the Osmo now the camera head falls when turning on and it want to re register to the network for warranty, then fails to submit sn
This is a year + old Osmo that has never had a issue till this update v1.8.2.40 Any clues to fix
May I know you upgraded it through APP or SD card? What is the LED status of camera status indicator after you upgraded it?
Would you please try to format SD card, put in bin file into the root of SD card then upgrade it again?
If still the same case, please check the upgrading log for us, thanks.
Same here. Let me tell you : this, associated with DJI Go 3.0.0 is simply not working. And so far, DJI does not know how to solve it, except returning the OSMO...Welcome to the club.
Ok i have reformatted sd card. Reinstalled and still get the error.
IT wants to register my osmo as a new camera then fails after sending the sn. to the serverActivation Failed ( LocalMCFail) Contact Dji support is the msg
Updating through sd card, Lights on the back is 1 solid green on the left and flashing on the right. The flashing green flashes about 6 times then a quick red, then back to 6 green and so on
Once the activate osmo comes up on the app i can no longer navigate to anything on the app it locks to the activation
Dear DJI Natalia, reading your posts, I do feel for you as you keep on being sorry to hear what you hear. By any chance, do you know if your engineers are working on a new App or Firmware that would work for everyone ? Sorry. Have a nice day :-)
greenvalley88, To reset tried to do?
Press and hold the Shutter button and press the Trigger before turn on the power. And then turn the power on continuing to hold them down.
The camera should come to life after that.
I have to do reset after each charge or battery replacement. Because almost every time you change the battery or insert the same after charging me an error occurs and the Gimbal is not worked.
Not always the first time cannot perform a reset, but do not despair, try with another battery.