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Inspire1 Pro, disappointed with image.
3618 18 2016-10-16
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Flight distance : 477690 ft
United States

Been flying an Inspire1 for a year and bought the Pro for some higher budget work we do.  Totally unimpressed with the image.  We put the Lumix 12mm on it too..  Its far softer than the Inspire1.  We operate on a low contrast, sharpness dropped scale with both and the PRO is just bad.

Any tips?

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 20710033 ft
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United States

Go RAW. I just went RAW and it's just incredible.
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Flight distance : 477690 ft
United States
Offline not fuzzy?  I have calibrated, tried every setting and it is not $3000 better than the I1.  I would argue maybe worse.  I'm going to return and wait for the Inspire2 or something that is noticeable better.  Hasselblad cameras have to be coming soon.

Anyone want an Inspire1 Pro Black Edition with three flights on it?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 906352 ft
United States

I have never owned an Inspire 1, only the Pro so I can't comment on that comparison. I work with a Cannon D5 for ground and aerial work and I have to say the results I get from the I1P are exactly what I expect from that size sensor. I'm certainly not saying they are ultra sharp and I'm totally impressed. I'm saying that's about what you get. As far as going RAW. That's only going to improve video results. You get the same quality on stills as the Pro. I'm not aware of any camera that shoots 4/3 compressed video that has significantly better quality than the I1P. Please feel free to enlighten me if you do know of one.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Have you checked your focus? Could you happen to provide a sample image to see the extent of the softness?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1719062 ft
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The X5 isn't the best camera in it's sensor size class by any stretch - it has a lot of problems mainly with it's processing and recording formats (compression). So make sure you have calibrated your expectations in that regard...

... but it's definitely a better looking image than the X3. It's possible you may be having either an issue with focus calibration or a larger issue with defect / failure that requires service.

My advice, assuming your unit is in good working order:

- Don't expect miracles (but it's better than the X3).
- Use a ground monitor (SmallHD, etc) that lets you monitor exposure and colour on the X5 more capably than the in-app tools (use the HDMI out on the Inspire 1 remote).
- Especially avoid D-log if you can't monitor with an external display that lets you use LUT's and customizable zebras. D-Log on the X5 basically breaks if you under or over expose it and the zebras on DJI Go are broken for D-Log.
- The immediate tendency to go -1 sharpness on the X5 (which you basically MUST do with the X3) isn't always correct. The X5's "0" sharpness is already a lot softer than the X3 (which is horrifyingly over-sharpened at 0 and barely acceptable at -1 yet way too soft at -2).
- Only ever use manual exposure mode - the shutter priority and auto exposure modes on the X5 are a horror show.

It makes some decent images at that point - I've used X5 shots in a lot of production work already but only when you play by it's rules.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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SimplePanda Posted at 2016-10-20 02:34

The X5 isn't the best camera in it's sensor size class by any stretch - it has a lot of probl ...

Common mistake here is that people are expecting professional results from a camera/lens combination which is of consumer grade, semi-pro at most. The Inspire 1 Pro price tag reflects not the camera only, but the gimbal and specifically designed air craft as well. There's many reasons behind Matrice 600 platform, able to carry RED class cameras ... Yet - with all limitations and quirks of X5 - I was able to shoot tons of broadcast quality material in brutally compressed format and without the post-production luxury of RAW.
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Hi Steve!
Actually this problem is really big deal. I don't know how people who spend 3000$ can't see the difference in image.
I have the same problem, but this problem arrived with firmware updated!
I send my drone to service 4 time, after 3th time they send me brand new Inspire X5 Pro black edition
and problem is still the same, so this is really big fail of codec in camera. Quality of image is terrible!
I was shooting always on -3 sharpness because this is my favorite detail and cinematic feel. Right now I have no details at all.
Service gave me new aircraft but with 1.9 firmware witch is broken! Dear DJI yes, this is broken!

I can show you comparison in image with old firmware (below 1.4 I believe) and my new aircraft:

It's not fault of setting or picture profiles or transcoding or even sd card. This is big firmware issue!

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dobmatt Posted at 2016-10-20 08:10
Common mistake here is that people are expecting professional results from a camera/lens combinati ...

Common mistake is that you can't understand how important is this problem.
Quality is totally dissapointed after 1.4 firmware. Original firmware has crispy beautyfull image even with sharpnes settings -3.

This is good example:

Right now image is terrible not even close to this one! This issue has to be fixed immediately!
Spending 3000$ for phantom quality is big problem. Check comparison that I've posted here.
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SkyHigh UAV
Flight distance : 2838921 ft

Have you tried a different lens to compare, I use the Olympus on the X5 from 12mm - 45mm with the latest firmware. Nothing like your picture shows ???? Alot of people coming from Inspire X3 to X5 have mentioned sharpness issues, play around with your settings in app and camera.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Rasku Posted at 2016-10-29 07:07
Hi Steve!
Actually this problem is really big deal. I don't know how people who spend 3000$ can't se ...

Indeed there's picture quality problem, but I have no idea why. It looks like paint effect applied in Photoshop. I can achieve similiar results in post with Limieri Effects in Premiere Pro, but I've never seen anything of this nature on my rough footage. I'm a happy photographer with X5 camera, Oly 12mm lens and firmware since July this year...
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I've tried every possible setting, and any of them gave me good results. It's definately firmware codec problem, it looks like bitrate has dropped drastically.
I wonder why DJI done this to customers, It may be some kind of trick to promote inspire 2 or they just think it's good quality for 3000$.
This should be fixed immediately! For me image quality above 1.4 firmware is not acceptable, especially if I compare this to my old firmware.
When I bought my inspire it also flying a lot faster, every thing about new firmware is bad.
I should also mention that zebra does'nt work in log mode... so setting properly exposition in bright day is almost impossible, histogram not working properly too.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Rasku Posted at 2016-10-30 19:22
I've tried every possible setting, and any of them gave me good results. It's definately firmware co ...

Rasku, what is the firmware version you have on your Inspire 1 Pro at this moment? Check the camera firmware as well. Again, with most of us is on, no one is experiencing anything of this nature ...
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dobmatt Posted at 2016-10-30 22:40
Rasku, what is the firmware version you have on your Inspire 1 Pro at this moment? Check the camer ...

Right now I have 1.9.1
I've got new camera 3 times, so It's aircraft problem. Originally image was fine, right after updating aircraft image has become totally useless, so it's definately aircraft firmware problem. My camera has newest firmware.
Many people have the same problem: ... 73&page=1#pid501577

The problem is that many people don't see the difference because they're fine with terrible oversharp image in camera. But when you shooting with -3 sharpness settings there's clear difference.
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Flight distance : 394291 ft
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United States

Rasku Posted at 2016-10-31 05:28
Right now I have 1.9.1
I've got new camera 3 times, so It's aircraft problem. Originally image was  ...


Is there a way to revert the firmware back to 1.4?   video from my Phantom 3 or Phantom 4 was much much better!

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No DJI say's that this firmware is too late for downgrade so I've turned back my aircraft beceuse this is not image that I bought...
It's clearly done for better selling Inspire 2!
DJI just cheating their clients, with new firmware aircraft also flying a lot slower!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 26170253 ft
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they do that so you want to buy the inspire 2!!!
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Insieme Agency
Flight distance : 420449 ft

Rasku Posted at 2016-11-23 19:27
No DJI say's that this firmware is too late for downgrade so I've turned back my aircraft beceuse this is not image that I bought...
It's clearly done for better selling Inspire 2!
DJI just cheating their clients, with new firmware aircraft also flying a lot slower!

Yep I agree with you !

DJI you do this for a reason: TO BUY THE NEW I2 .... , We don't understand .....

The I1 was great, NOW the x5 is useless .... and the I1 is slower !

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Flight distance : 68471 ft

It would be nice to get DJI-s official explanation regarding this issue.
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