I am trying to find out if anyone has figured a way to revert back to the 2.9.2 IPA for DJI go for apple minus jailbreaking as the new app crashes and previous worked great
Hi tmac19781999, to locate the crash issue, may I know what is the model and system version on your mobile device?
Besides, please clarify your aircraft model and firmware version.
APP crashes every time you try to run it or occurs only occasionally?
Is it possible that DJI programmer/engineer would program software to use with any mobiles (under min. specification informed).
I invested a new tablet for P3A only (no call use) but after video signal crash of V.3.0 first time i thought that DJI programmer telling me " throw away your tablet" . Fortunately, i could reinstall v 2.9 and she flied into sky again.
Just comment but really need dream will come true because DJI product not cheap for all pilot around the world.
Using IPad Air 2 with phantom 3 standard and have tried 1.5.7 and even 1.6.8. Crazy because I just flew fine right before updating to 3.0.1. James is there a way to show me that link you got from google as I came up with nothing. Thanks
In that case, would you please export crash log so that we could get it analyzed.
Please connect your iPad to PC, run iTunes, click on your device-->Applications-->DJI GO, you will find "Logs", then save this file to your computer and send an e-mail to support@dji.com. Our engineer will analyze the logs to locate the problem.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
I have Android and today i updated to newest version 3.0.1.
Application show logo on begining and then crash. After that is show same crash popup in interval 20-40 seconds.
I have samsung SM-G386F, android 4.2.2.
Im also struggling to find 2.9.2 dji go ipa for ios, google links come up with ipa4fun with all earlier versions, but when you click on the link it takes you the latest version. Unable to find the download link for any earlier versions.