Flight distance : 14354 ft
United States
If you read that alert in the link from above, it says that the Karma will not be available GLOBALLY until 2017. This was on an Australian site, mine you. Though the original Karma ship date was on Oct 23rd, the Karma started showing up in US BestBuy stores more than a week ago.
The Karma, as a product, is not delayed, and production and shipment has not been stopped due to any issue. GoPro is selling a lot of units in the US, perhaps because of the Mavic being delayed, but because of this demand, or possibly due to some international certification issue, the GLOBAL deployment (outside the US) has been delayed.
I am still going with the Mavic, and though I DID cancel my order, I will still buy one once it's available at either Apple or BestBuy (preferrably best buy, as they are based out of my home town, and I don't want to give any of my money to apple). Hopefully, there will still be some fly-able weather it becomes available, else, I might as well just wait until April. |