United States
and i am similarly amazed how people ignore statistical probability and counter it with statements like 'not living in the real world'. no offense, but the real world is about probability not fear. you can worry about something that is unlikely to happen and that wont change the REAL WORLD probability. conversely, you can not worry about something that is likely to happen, and that wont either. the only difference between two people is where they draw the line on that spectrum. ever heard the phrase "every person who drives slower than you is a moron and every person who drives faster than you is a maniac"? that sort of applies here, just because someone draws a line farther along or farther back on the spectrum doesnt mean they arent living in the real world man.
i live in the real world, and evaluate probabilities to determine what to worrying about in my daily life. statistically speaking, the odds of someone actually hacking my drone are not that different from a ton of other things that, if i really worried about them, have much more impact on me than losing a material object. if i didnt use REAL WORLD rationale and evaluate likelihood not just impact, id end up living in a metal box underground..
edit: and i mean no offense to you jato, just sharing my disagreement. i dont mind when people choose to draw their line differently than me, it just bothers me when someone oversimplifies where i draw my line just because it isnt congruent with theirs. but not flaming you here or anything.