United States
Sorry to make this thread, but just wondering what others think is going on.
I ordered from newegg Oct 1st. Was charged on the 21st and received a tracking number, stating my order has shipped. My tracking number now says invalid on newegg website, when yesterday it showed "packaging." It still isn't showing up on FedEx website either. I ordered on October 1st. I seen a guy that ordered on the 6th and his tracking number is active and says he will get it in the 26th. Everything in paypal shows completed as well, Nothing pending anymore. I contacted newegg, they cant figure out what happened and emailed dji. Why they did is beyond me, when it was active on their website on the 21st. Maybe it will update on Monday I'm hoping. The invoice still shows shipped, but my tracking number has no info, when yesterday it had status as packaging on newegg. I didn't receive any fraud action on my card either as others reported.