Good morning,
i have installed a DJI A3 Pro on a Gryphon Dynamics X8 for a customer, and made custom center plates for this installation.
We are encountering the following issue, could DJI help on that matter ?
- The A3 MCU does NOT have a 5V output on the ESC's : this can lead to some problems when using Optocoupled ESC that NEED a 5V input in order to power the optocoupler circuit.. I had to pick a 5V from the Sbus port to feed the Flame 80 esc's...
Suggestion : DJI could have installed in the worst case a simple jumper to plug / u plug in order to replicate the 5V from Sbus or F ports to the ESc port..
- The DJI assistant 2 does not allow to change the P mode. This is a bit embarrassing as we are supposed to have Manual, Atti and GPS modes in France to comply with regulations on one hand ( but they accept to keep ATTI instead), but for additional safety i always let a ful manual mode just in case. The P mode is ot relevant when not using guidance system so..
Suggestion : let the user select wether he wants P mode, or not... 
- Several issues during configuration : GPS connection error. Seems the connectors are very sensible,i had to trim down one of them (plastic plug) to get a better contact and secure it ???
Suggestion : check pins lenght on can replicator plugs...
- Impossible to get the machine in flight : motor test is runing perfectly, but here is the problem :
Led is blinking PURPLE ( twice), indicating from user manual that the flight mode is Manual. Using IOSD Mark II, i can see on OSD that mode is manual. But i can't start the motors.
If i flip the Flight mode switch ( futaba 14 SG, perfectly configured in the Assistant 2), the flight mode changes in the Assistant 2 but not on the flight controler nor on the OSD.
BUT if i use the Urgency switch ( ca you give more details about that function DJI please ?) , then flight mode changes to : ATT on OSD and on LED ( Yellow).
Suggestion : please document a bit better and if you have any idea...thanks 
I don't want to ask my customer to buy a LB2 just to see if it gives additional informations.
- Compass and IMU calibration : well, with a 10 kg frame, 1200 mm, performing each compass calibration + IMU calibration is pretty.. sport when you have to ask someone to keep the laptop around because you are plugged in USB. And i could not succeed to launch a compass calibration with the standard switch flipping on the flight mode as on A2 and Wookong .
Suggestion : enable compass calibration by flipping 5 or 7 times the flight mode switch, and then select the compass to calibrate by toggling the switch to move from compass 1 up to compass 3.. Then send a multicolor blink sequence once the 3 compass have been calibrated correctly. A simple Bluetooth interface to access the DJI GO basic features ( setup and eventual error messages)) would be very helpful there..
last of all, there is a lack of technical informations about various values and functions in the user manual.
Beside this the IMU temperatures are very high but well i can live with that..
But i can't let my customer fly this frame as long as everything is not al clear and even then, i will perform 20 /25 full flight before declaring the frame is OK for work, my customer puts Alexa Mini, red and FS700 or Miro 320 cameras and i won't take a chance to let him go without beeing sure of the flight controler. In the worse case scenario, i will fit back the DI A2 that performed flawlessly bu using vertical tubes for the barometer to avoic the venturi effect barometer bias.
Thank you DJI for any relevant informations,
Best regards,
Fabien ( E-copter)