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Firmware Update/Image Transmission Issue
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United States

As I've mentioned in other threads, I'm having the same issue as several others with updating the P3P to the latest firmware and it messing up the video transmission encoder. The now infamous "Device not found" on devices 0800 and 1500.

I think we can pretty safely say this is not a fluke given the number of people that have the exact same problem. I've also noticed it seems to be all people that had not updated their firmware in a while, so I think there was an issue with the software going from a certain number back up to the current version. Cleraly DJI's fault, if you ask me. If this was a known problem it should have been disclosed.

Here's the sticky part - I'm out of warranty. I took it to the local repair place (very reputable shop, not some dude that just says he fixes drones) and they're saying the entire camera unit needs to be replaced, which is of course quite expensive.

The only sort of answer I've gotten from anyone at DJI is just "you will have to send it in to be fixed" Well... are you going to cover it since this was clearly caused by your messed up firmware?

Does anyone with a little more knowledge of this problem know if the camera does, indeed, need to be replaced? And if so, has DJI covered this for anyone out of warranty since it seems to be their fault?

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Flight distance : 450492 ft

I unfortunately just put myself in the same boat. I have had my P3P (using iPad Air 2 + DJI GO) since they were first released. I always update the firmware/app on everything each time that a new release comes out. Never had an issue until the new remote + app update. After putting the latest one on my P3P I am having issues disconnecting with my phantom. At a distance as small as 5 meters the app will completely disconnect from the aircraft. Luckily all manual controls with the remote still work and I am able to close and restart the app to get connected again... but this usually only last for a couple of minutes before it disconnects again.

I'm hoping this is just some silly software bug that will be fixed in the next release. It would really suck if this was a hardware issue caused by something in the update. I have not tried to downgrade yet, hopefully soon I can give it a try.
Just curious... I believe this is a RC issue, but has anyone running litchi had this issue? Could the problem actually be in DJI GO and not the remote?

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United States

Weirdly enough I think that's another issue itself.

On mine it won't even finish the firmware update. It fails every time, and there is absolutely no image transmission at any distance. The transmission module is totally dead, apparently. Still worrisome that there are so many different issues with similar problems.
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United States

So I did finally talk to someone and they confirmed that if I'm past 12 months, it's pretty much a sure thing it won't be covered, even if DJI's bad firmware caused it. Rather unfortunate...

I still wish I knew for sure though if the whole camera unit is shot or if it might be something a little less pricey.
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Flight distance : 315348 ft

I am also unfortunately suffering the same problem. I sent it back to DJI, after 4 weeks I got it back with a report that it was fixed and tested. First flight, same problem. Don't know what to do with it now. To be honest I don't even want it anymore, I have had it for 3 months and since it came from the shop I have had nothing but problems. I wish I could still get my money back and upgrade to a better drone.
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United States

maichelvnl Posted at 2016-10-25 17:42
I am also unfortunately suffering the same problem. I sent it back to DJI, after 4 weeks I got it ba ...

Oh, yikes. That's no good. I guess that makes me feel a little better about not sending it to DJI... I guess I may just have to bite the bullet and see if the local place replacing the camera does the trick, as annoying as that is. I guess if that doesn't end up being the problem they'll find out as well (and presumably not charge me for a camera).
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United States

For anyone following along - I can finally shed a little light on the situation. As much as this stinks - it turns out it's the whole camera unit. Even though it will still record to the SD card, I guess whatever the firmware is breaking is also in that unit. Swapped the camera out at the local repair place and it works perfectly now. I just hate that some bad firmware essentially fried a $350 part. Good going, DJI.
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