Flight distance : 450492 ft
Hi all!
I'm having issues with my P3P disconnecting from DJI GO mid flight. This is a new problem that only started the other day after updating DJI GO and the RC. Sorry i don't know exact versions i had previously. I always keep DJI GO up to date and just update when DJI GO tells me i need to. I did not need to update the aircraft as I was already at V1.9.60 I'm using an iPad Air 2. Here is what happens/happened:
1) P3P V1.9.60, DJI GO V3.0.0 (i think), RC V1.6.0 (i think)
2) Flying without Issue.
3) DJI GO Updates to V3.0.1
4) Open DJI GO App. Remote ON
5) DJI GO indicates update required
6) Upgrade RC firmware V1.8.0
7) Power On Phantom 3 Pro
8) Cal IMU, Auto Gimbal Cal (I always do this after any update. Cant hurt right?)
9) Move Outside... Compass Cal (I was just in my yard where I always fly. Just playing it safe again)
10) All Green. Video Looks Good. Take Off.
11) Move drone away slowely to test everything works good after update
12) DJI GO Disconnects, no aircraft information, no video
13) RC still working with P3P
14) Land P3P. Power off P3P
15) Close DJI GO, Power off Remote, wait for 2-3 min to calm down after panic attack
16) Power On Remote, Open DJI GO, Power On P3P
17) All Green. Video Looks Good. Take Off. Did not move horizontally. Just up ~2m and hover
18) Wait... 3 min passes
19) DJI Disconnects, no aircraft information, no video
20) RC still working with P3P
21) Land P3P. Power Off
I have been search for most of the day, and it appears this issue is happening on P3 Standard and on P3P on Android, but I have not seen much posted about the problem on iOS. Before I start mucking around with downgrading RC firmware, and reverting to an old version of DJI GO, is there anything I should be testing first that could help me pin point the actual issue? Could this be hardware starting to fail (i have had it over a year)? I did try another cable this morning as i have seen suggested but it did not help. Unfortunatly I don't have another device to test DJI GO with.
*Side note: I got all kinds of great information from this forum. Thanks to all that contribute their tips and tricks.