1st post here... I have been reading for a while.
Got my Mavic Pro yesterday. This thing is awesome. Coming from Phantom 3 standard - night and day.
Updated everything, had a few flights outside, it was a bit windy, but Mavic handled it well. Fly instead on the 1sts floor of my house, just up and down - no issues.
Decided to give it another try upstairs a few hours later. To my surprise, Mavic went maybe a foot up (just basic right stick up command on my part) and fly at high speed to the right. Crashed into my couch, did not respond to power down command. One prop was cracked. I thought that maybe I did something stupid on this flight. Put a new prop in and tried again - same result and another broken prop.
I tried flying it again outside this morning - no issues.
I am scared flying it now. I am afraid that it will just try to fly away and ignore power down command. Why did it happened? Is it not safe to fly it indoors?
Please advise. |