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CRASH with DJI Mavic Pro today
89405 627 2016-10-26
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United States

I did an unboxing video yesterday and gave the Mavic Pro test.  Overall the run went well yesterday on the test flight.  Today I flew it and the Mavic Pro lost control and crashed into a tree.  I've included the report.  Perhaps someone may have an idea on what happened.

So today I setup the Mavic Pro and set it down on the ground in preparation for flight.  I connected the remote and I calibrated the compass before I flew.  I touched the lift off button on the iPhone 6S Plus screen and the Mavic Pro went 4 feet in the air (which I expected it to do).  When I wanted to liftoff further or control the direction (X or Y axis) I was not able to do it.  So I landed and tried taking off again.  It still would not let me control the lift or movement left, right, front or back.  I landed it again.  This time I shut off the remote and turned it back on.  Once it reconnected, the drone seemed to work and it flew for a while.  

I decided to try the gesture feature where you can take a photo (something that I didn't have on my Inspire 1).  Then I tried "Tap to fly".  I thought this was tap a location on the map and it would fly there point to point not changing altitude.  When I clicked on a location, it started heading towards that direction, but also so it was decending as was going away from me.  I immediately stopped that mode.  I set the drone to return to home by clicking the physical button on the remote itself.  As it headed back, I saw it was flying back in an odd fashion like it was arcing.  When it was trying to land it was spinning in circles.  I tried canceling it and tried regaining control manually however even when I shut it off, I had zero control of the Mavic Pro.  So I set it to autoland.  It just kept spinning.  I'm glad that it at least hit a tree and did not fly away.  

I've had a lot of DJI drones before and am aware of the calibration for IMU and Compass.  These were done today.  I found it odd that this behaved like the compass was messed up.  I thought I would at least have control.  If someone can look at my logs I would appreciate it.  Thank I have the first Mavic Pro crash!

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It almost looks like you might have clipped a tree according to the sat photo and where the compass errors show up. [Edit] The first part of your message is a little scary; given that you had no control and had to re-land several times.  
Did it suffer much damage in the crash?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Sorry to hear that,it sounds like you did everything right, it's very difficult to see anything from those records, there was certainly a lot of erratic behaviour from the drone were there any warning signals what was showing on the controls?
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Flight distance : 1669012 ft
United States

Were the propellers properly on/tightened?   I don't have mine yet, but the spinning in circles almost sounds like it was trying to compensate for a propeller not working correctly?
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United States

willem@pcfish.c Posted at 2016-10-26 21:25
It almost looks like you might have clipped a tree according to the sat photo and where the compass  ...

The spinning was happening using the return to home.  I did notice the compass errors after it clipped the tree and expected it since it came down fast.  I even tried cancelling the RTH and controlling the Mavic Pro however nothing I could do caused the drone to move in any direction other than the circular spin that it was in.  

There was an issue upon initial flight today where the Mavic Pro would lift off the ground and hover at 4 feet.  When I tried gaining altitude it did nothing.  When I tried using the right stick to move it in any direction, it did not move at all.  I did this twice and it had the same result. So I landed the drone and restarted the controller.  After the restart, I was able to take off and fly for a while.  It wasn't until I cancelled the "Tap to fly" because it was descending as it was heading to where I tapped on the screen.  I actually found that dangerous because I did not want it to descend and crash into a building.  So I cancelled it and used RTH.  That's when the Mavic Pro went out of control.  I'm sure you see in the logs that I tried cancelling it a few times because I saw it move strange.  I even tried a straight descent option but that did not help.  Just trying to rule out issue on the pilot side (me).  I fly my Inspire 1 all the time and I'm very sensitive with calibrations.  So I calibrated the compass before the flight.  In fact it did fly well for a few minutes.  
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United States

msduncanrolltid Posted at 2016-10-26 21:39
Were the propellers properly on/tightened?   I don't have mine yet, but the spinning in circles alm ...

The propellers are spring loaded.  It's like loading them on my Inspire 1.  You push down on the spring, then rotate until it stops.  When you release the prop, it seats into place.  To remove them, you need to push down and turn.
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Flight distance : 612858 ft
United States

My Mavic on 10/26/2016 had this same arching motion. My son was flying it and noticed it started to spin in the air. Doing about a 3' radius. I took the control back and could not get it to stop. Before going to far I pushed return home. It maintained the arch pattern as it was coming back. Did the arch all the way to the ground. Landing was not good at all. But I found no exterior damage.

Today after work I took it to the local soccer fields and flew it for about 5 min. No issues with that flight.

I've only put it in the air three times. I'm very cautious with new drones till I'm comfortable they are flying correctly. This is my fourth DJI drone. Other than the issue last night the mavic has a great feel to it in the air.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1638323 ft
United States

nssd70ace@yahoo Posted at 2016-10-26 19:35
My Mavic on 10/26/2016 had this same arching motion. My son was flying it and noticed it started to  ...

Dang, I was just hoping you had no idea what you were doing until I got to "This is my fourth DJI drone."

This is not reassuring, coming from veterans.
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Flight distance : 298048 ft
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Any thought that it could be related to high K values lately or more something with the firmware? I think that in TapFly if you press somewhere above the middle of the screen it heads that direction and altitude. So if you point high up in the air it will head that direction increasing altitude.
Also, since you have DJI aircraft I'm sure you did the compass calibration in a metal interference free location and had nothing metal on you (RC/phone, keys, watch)
When I calibrate the compass, I take evertthing out of my pockets and set the RC/phone about 10ft away from the aircraft then calibrate.
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Flight distance : 612858 ft
United States

I reviewed the flight data of the flight. Was close to a 9 min flight. Never made contact with anything. Reviewed the last part where the drone starts to act up. The controller was indicating that it was being pushed to the left. Sticks weren't even touched during the return to home.
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Flight distance : 749413 ft

Wonder If Casey had this same issue? That would make three possible in air control issues with the two above.

I do think the two above aren't idiots though, so I'll trust them over Casey.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Sorry about your crash, you've already contacted support and opened a case correct?
What is your email and I will look at your flight record.Can you do a stick calibration and see if your stick movements match what's shown on the app.
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Flight distance : 25430 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-27 10:59
Sorry about your crash, you've already contacted support and opened a case correct?
What is your ema ...

DJI Ken...I haven't received my Mavic yet...the posts are being to worry me...
Hopefully there will be firmware updates to correct the problems with the Macic Pro before I receive mine.
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st pauli
United States

There sure aren't many forum members with Mavic's yet and there are these serious issues reported so far by 2 end users and others reporting gimbal issues.

I was really hoping to pick one of these up once they hit stores, but looks like it would be wise to hold out for awhile.  
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Flight distance : 25430 ft
United States

vietnamodyssey Posted at 2016-10-27 11:07
DJI Ken...I haven't received my Mavic yet...the posts are being to worry me...
Hopefully there wi ...

Definitely going to purchase DJI Care Refresh for the Mavic Pro.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

nssd70ace@yahoo Posted at 2016-10-27 10:55
I reviewed the flight data of the flight. Was close to a 9 min flight. Never made contact with anyth ...

That image shows the stick was pushed to yaw the aircraft in that direction.
Can you do a stick calibration and see if your stick movements match what's shown on the app.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

vietnamodyssey Posted at 2016-10-27 11:07
DJI Ken...I haven't received my Mavic yet...the posts are being to worry me...
Hopefully there wi ...

If there is an issue found it will be remedied with firmware or app update.
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Flight distance : 612858 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-26 23:10
That image shows the stick was pushed to yaw the aircraft in that direction.
Can you do a stick ca ...

Tomorrow evening I will do a full calibration of everything before doing another test flight.
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Flight distance : 612858 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-26 22:59
Sorry about your crash, you've already contacted support and opened a case correct?
What is your ema ...

haven't had time to do it till I just recently sat down at the computer. About to contact them though.

hope my data can help fix any strange issue before more happen. I like the concept of the Mavic and want to see the line do well.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

nssd70ace@yahoo Posted at 2016-10-27 11:16
Tomorrow evening I will do a full calibration of everything before doing another test flight.

Sounds good, let me know how it goes.
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Flight distance : 3902884 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Is it possible, as trance728 pointed out, the K value ranged from 5 to 7. Is this a possible explanation? I don't remember reading anything in P4 or Mavic manuals about not flying at certain K values.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

nssd70ace@yahoo Posted at 2016-10-27 11:19
haven't had time to do it till I just recently sat down at the computer. About to contact them t ...

I was talking about the OP's post and reading his flight record.
But I will look at yours too.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

poppylfh-sp Posted at 2016-10-27 11:23
DJI-Ken Is it possible, as trance728 pointed out, the K value ranged from 5 to 7. Is this a possible ...

I'm not sure, it may be possible though. Others have blamed GPS issues on that but honestly in all the years I've flown I have not had any GPS issue.
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Flight distance : 3902884 ft
  • >>>
United States

I haven't had any flight problems with my P4 and know that I have flown on days where the K value was 5-6.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-26 22:59
Sorry about your crash, you've already contacted support and opened a case correct?
What is your ema ...

I've contacted DJI Care Refresh.  I purchased it before I even powered up my Mavic Pro yesterday after the unboxing.  I called them and I believe I'll be using my 1 of 2 crash replacements.  I don't believe this was my fault and feel I shouldn't have to use my Care Refresh so soon.  I fly with an Inspire 1 normally and am always weary of IMU and Compass calibrations.  I actually was able to in a sense fix my Mavic Pro gimbal when I returned home and brought it under good lighting.  The crash bent the gimbal horizontal support.  I had to bend it back. Once I did this, the Mavic Pro was able to initialize.  

I know you asked on a post further down about the stick calibration.  I can do this however the issue of the spinning was from the return to home.  I did not have any stick issues before the return to home.  Like another person said with their crash, it did small loops then because extreme.  I'll post of video shortly.  Can you work with DJI Care Refresh to perhaps replace my drone without using any of my 2 crash replacements?  Plus I'd still have to pay about $75 to replace it.  
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Flight distance : 102028 ft
  • >>>

The HD log does mention strong wireless interference and that the flight was almost entirely in ATTI mode. Then at the end it shows the landing being 12 feet below take off. This may have fouled up the VPS on landing. Just a thought.
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Flight distance : 108002 ft

I don't mean to come off funny, but isn't there a massive Coronal Hole that's slamming the Earth right now? Wouldn't that cause serious issues with controls just as it does with our electrical grid, phones, radars, etc? Just throwing that out there...

Maybe we shouldn't be flying right now? Or is this totally unrelated to our drones ... LE-power-grids.html ... -affect-power-lines
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Flight distance : 222621 ft

Ngl1145 Posted at 2016-10-27 11:56
I've contacted DJI Care Refresh.  I purchased it before I even powered up my Mavic Pro yesterday a ...

Wow, thanks for reporting this.
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United States
Offline Posted at 2016-10-27 00:03
The HD log does mention strong wireless interference and that the flight was almost entirely in ATTI ...

The strong wireless interference was when it was on the ground.  Could have been the pavement.  However I did fly fine a few minutes earlier.  I believe it switches mode to GPS ATTI because I was testing different modes like gesture selfie mode and "Tap to fly".  When I switch off those feature modes, it will list GPS ATTI on the log because I'm going back to the sticks.  RTH shouldn't cause the craft to spin.  I'll upload video shortly.  It's still processing.
My remote shows full GPS status the whole time.  
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Flight distance : 222621 ft

poppylfh-sp Posted at 2016-10-27 11:40
I haven't had any flight problems with my P4 and know that I have flown on days where the K value wa ...

Same here.  Something's not right.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
  • >>>

Ngl1145 Posted at 2016-10-27 11:56
I've contacted DJI Care Refresh.  I purchased it before I even powered up my Mavic Pro yesterday a ...

Don't use the Care Refresh until the aircraft has come in and the flight data analysis done.
It could be not your fault, the flight data recorder will be able to tell.
So just wait until your aircraft is evaluated.
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-27 00:22
Don't use the Care Refresh until the aircraft has come in and the flight data analysis done.
It co ...

So I probably should call them back tomorrow during business hours and tell them to cancel it.  I was able to bend my gimbal back so it initializes.  I do wish that DJI included a full set instead of half a set of replacement props.  After I bent the gimbal back in place the Mavic Pro was able to initialize.  I did re-calibrate the IMU again and re-calibrated the compass.  I was able to fly and control the Mavic Pro.  I hope I can get a replacement set of props soon because there's a piece missing from one of them.  

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United States

I tried to save it by cancelling it a few times then re-starting RTH.  It was already low at a certain point and that's when it hit the tree.  
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Interesting thread.  

Sorry for the boring comment but I can't seem to find how to subscribe to a thread without making a comment.
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United States

colonel0000 Posted at 2016-10-26 23:03
Interesting thread.  

Sorry for the boring comment but I can't seem to find how to subscribe to a t ...

Me either.  Also following, and also responding with a boring comment.
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United States

Sorry to hear that.  It'll be interesting to see what analysis reveals.
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DJI Mindy

Could you please upload the flight data to dropbox and send me the link?
Method to download Flight Data (.DAT files)from drone
1.Connect your drone to your PC with the USB cable on the drone.
2.Turn on both your drone and controller, connect your phone to your controller and open DJI GO
3.This option is under MODE_MC Settings_Advanced Settings_Enter flight data mode.
4.Select that DAT files with the correct date on your PC and send them to us
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Flight distance : 70043 ft

Hi, At 7.25 you say you've "fixed" the gimball and went flying with defective prop after a serious crash, you even do not know what the reall reason was for happening.
I see you flying above a city in the dark.. do you think is is a logical or wise thing to do at that moment? I really cannot understand this...
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Flight distance : 24672 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-10-27 05:30
I'm not sure, it may be possible though. Others have blamed GPS issues on that but honestly in all  ...

That would be very interesting to know, i.e. whether we should check current K-values before take-off to minimize erratic behaviour risks. If you find out something let us know
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Flight distance : 7418 ft
United Kingdom

Anoniem Posted at 2016-10-27 08:00
Hi, At 7.25 you say you've "fixed" the gimball and went flying with defective prop after a serious c ...

I have to say that these random reports of losing control, erratic RTH etc are starting to put me off buying right now. I am kinda glad there is no stock available yet.
Obviously all new product releases come with issues, but these are flying issues which could have very bad consequences if not resolved. Hitting trees is one thing, but what if the drones do not respond correctly and fly over areas where there are people, buildings etc
I hope that DJI does not try and cover these issues up and starts a thread where these can be openly discussed, analysed and solutions provided to ease the concerns of potential buyers like myself.

I am sure the hardy, veteran drone flyers will take the piss, but it's these sort of issues that put people off buying drones.
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