I think that is the right thing to do, but their reputation would take a very large hit, so I don't suppose they would.
They need to focus a huge amount of attention on sorting out these early issues to stop the bleeding, otherwise the forums and other media outlets are going to be littered with bad press.
It doesn't take a genius to work out which competitor would be loving this poor product intro.
If everything is first come first served then why can't they do a simple calculation to give an update .ie Number of outstanding orders to be fulfilled before my order divided by daily production quantity = how many days I have to wait. I paid in full direct to DJI who are still advertising "free priority delivery" Cant be too hard ......
The demand will taper off and the supply will catch up. Give it another month or two. You will be able to walk into BestBuy and pick one up. Everyone will have forgotten about this shortage by then.
I've seen the Karma in store under glass. The thing is a trainwreck. It was so big I can't believe they even advertise it as portable. It's as portable as the p4
DJI prefers 3rd party sellers, so there would be less angry coments and complaints worldwide. this respectively does its bad for customers and DJI itself.
this first come first serve is bushit if u dont support ur own hompage preorders first.
sry, english is not my first language, hope u can understand ;D
Agreed! I went to Best Buy today just to see what they had. They had the Phantom 3's and the Karma as well as a few others. Didn't see the Phantom 4 ... They had a display case for the MAVIC that only said coming soon ...