Flight distance : 634587 ft
I just received my Mavic Pro today, and I found this issue: When you flying inside with the forward sensors on, it is easy to trigger Mavic's obstacles avoidance system, sepecially around corners. When that happens, you bascially loose control of your Mavic. You can go backward, you can land, but you can't go forward neither left or right. (My mavic froze when there is still 1.5-2m between the wall and itself). This is not a big deal outdoor since you have the whole sky. However, when this happens indoor, it is easy to crash the drone since flying indoor needs precesion controls and you bascially need to make those micro adjuestments all the time. To solve this problem, you need to turn off the forward sensors. Then you can have full control of your Mavic indoor anytime even it is close to something.
Flying indoor needs great skills and precesion controls. Do not try this at home if you are new to drones.