Flight distance : 1203484 ft
United States
I went to a field today I've flown before dozens of times. My first flight was 11m. It was windy ~ 15mph. I was flying in ATTI mode lettiing the wind push me around.
I landed and changed out the battery, both batteries fully charged an hour before.
I'm having trouble remembering the actual chain of events on the second flight. My google map wasn't showing the streets anymore. I restarted all devices and my maps came back. Sometime into that 2nd flight my video stopped updating. I landed and did another restart. All good again. Back up and flying, heard 3 beeps. Not sure if it came from the controller or the tablet. When this occured the P4 wobbled like it was going to loose control and crash. I saw that happen on the tablet. I don't remember any messages appearing on the screen. If any did, it happened so fast I didn't see them.
I brought it back close to me and did some short range flying and I got a single beep. The P4 wobbled again, so I landed and called it quits. My flight records, as per Healthy Drones, have no indications of any problems. Unfortunately I was not recording when this ocurred.
I've been flying with the following upates for at least a month with no problems. 2.8.1 1.6.0 1.2.503
Has anyone experienced this type of problem with theirs? I checked the battery connections. All fine. Maybe the second battery? I'm going to fly again tomorrow with the same 2 batteries.