Flight distance : 2883714 ft
Is there somewhere online that I can see my Flight Records. Currellty I can see them in DJI Go on my S7 Edge android phone. I can also open DJI GO on my iPad and hit sync and my user experience "Grown of Value" will increas to match the android. No actuall flight records show here though as I have not actually flown using the iPad. But given the records sync to the cloud somewhere can I access & view them by way of my DJI account somehow? DJI can do this can they not. So what about me? Being resticted to viewing all my flight records on my phone is less than ideal.
Also in my DJI account I see the section "MY UNLOCKING PLANS". Given there are no resticted zones anywhere near where I propose to fly, is there any reason to go in there and register my device?