Flight distance : 3681 ft
This might be a difficult one for anybody to answer unless they have had the experience themselves. Behind my house is a dense forest with 150 - 200 foot evergreens, and cutting through that forest, about 600 feet from my backyard, is a hydro right-of-way. This right-of-way has major sized towers (maybe 100 feet high?) with power transmission lines on them heading for the city of Vancouver. The right-of-way itself is a great gathering area for the local wildlife (black bears, deer, etc.). I would love to fly the drone near that area at some point (perhaps when I actually receive a drone) and along the right-of-way.
Obviously, it's a no-no to be flying anywhere close to hydro lines, but my question is this: How close can you come to the lines before the energy signatures given off by the lines affect the drone's handling capabilities? Here I'm wondering about effects on the GPS and compass systems. The last thing I want is to lose control of the drone by coming within some danger zone and not be able to have it return home safely. I would hope that I could sit above the trees some distance back and still get a decent picture of the ground activity. Any thoughts?