Error while in "F" mode
1104 3 2016-11-5
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Flight distance : 4741906 ft
United States

I discovered a glitch in IOC mode (way points) on the Inspire 1 the other day and wanted to report on it.  Will be filing in DJI on Monday.  The glitch is repeatable.

First off:

Inspire 1 Pro v2
App DJIGo ver 3.0.2
Aircraft: ver
Remote: ver 1.7.40+
Camera (X5): ver

Setup a 2 point pull back move (using way points) from a sign I was filming.  Was trying to shoot time-lapse mode and wanted smooth, consistent, and slow movement on the pull back. With aircraft and camera facing the sign I marked my first way-point.  Then I pulled slightly up and back away from the sign about 100ft and marked my second way-point.  Initial height was about 40 ft AGL.  I confirmed the RTH settings and applied and started the route.  

The Inspire flew to the first point but then spun around 180 degrees facing away from the sign.  I turned the aircraft back around facing the sign and the aircraft rapidly began to descend!

I pushed up on the stick and the aircraft did not respond.  So i immediately switched the remote to "P" mode and regained control stopping the descent.

Odd that while in "F" mode I had turn control but no lift control.  More odd and alarming that the aircraft tried to crash itself immediately after I turned it around while hovering at a way-point.

There was no GPS interference that day and was receiving between 11 and 17 satellites as I recall.

Was using the Android app but believe the iOS app would do the same though I am reluctant to test it.

I landed the aircraft, shut it down, restarted and tried the flight again with the same results.  As soon as I rotated the aircraft 180 degrees while hovering at the 1st way-point the aircraft immediately began a rapid uncontrolled descent that would not respond to stick inputs until switching out of "F" mode back into "P" mode.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

Just curious were the batteries at full level ?  I will try to replicate this my self to see if we can find a cause .  Thanks for  sharing your experience, very interesting .  

**** question , was the second way point that was recorded at a lowere AGL point than the first one ?  Just wondering if  the AC was just turning around to go to the second way point and dropped altitude to be at the  proper altitude before going on to the next way point .  Were there any hills or  variations in the terrain between  the first  way point and the second ? I have not tested yet, but wanted to at least pose the question .

Use props
Flight distance : 4741906 ft
United States

Hey Johnny, just saw your reply.

Terrain was flat and level.  Batteries were full and in prime condition.  WP 2 was set higher than WP 1.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

skyml Posted at 2016-11-8 23:12
Hey Johnny, just saw your reply.

Terrain was flat and level.  Batteries were full and in prime cond ...

Just an FYI , I did the same thing  and the Aircraft first turned around and then descended to the lower level before going to the next way point .    I actually think it was just doing what it was programmed to do and to change it I had to exit the  Mode back to GPS to gain control .  In my opinion it is operating correctly  .  In other words , it may not have done what  you wanted , but it is operating correctly.

I am going to repeat this once again because I want to make a more appreciable altitude  at waypoint 2 to  validate my data.  I did not follow your exact flight plan with altitude being HIGHER at point number 2.  ( I  thought it was the other way around and descending  and not ascending  )  

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