Flight distance : 4741906 ft
United States
I discovered a glitch in IOC mode (way points) on the Inspire 1 the other day and wanted to report on it. Will be filing in DJI on Monday. The glitch is repeatable.
First off:
Inspire 1 Pro v2
App DJIGo ver 3.0.2
Aircraft: ver
Remote: ver 1.7.40+
Camera (X5): ver
Setup a 2 point pull back move (using way points) from a sign I was filming. Was trying to shoot time-lapse mode and wanted smooth, consistent, and slow movement on the pull back. With aircraft and camera facing the sign I marked my first way-point. Then I pulled slightly up and back away from the sign about 100ft and marked my second way-point. Initial height was about 40 ft AGL. I confirmed the RTH settings and applied and started the route.
The Inspire flew to the first point but then spun around 180 degrees facing away from the sign. I turned the aircraft back around facing the sign and the aircraft rapidly began to descend!
I pushed up on the stick and the aircraft did not respond. So i immediately switched the remote to "P" mode and regained control stopping the descent.
Odd that while in "F" mode I had turn control but no lift control. More odd and alarming that the aircraft tried to crash itself immediately after I turned it around while hovering at a way-point.
There was no GPS interference that day and was receiving between 11 and 17 satellites as I recall.
Was using the Android app but believe the iOS app would do the same though I am reluctant to test it.
I landed the aircraft, shut it down, restarted and tried the flight again with the same results. As soon as I rotated the aircraft 180 degrees while hovering at the 1st way-point the aircraft immediately began a rapid uncontrolled descent that would not respond to stick inputs until switching out of "F" mode back into "P" mode.