Hey Fellow Droners!  Does anyone still use DJI GO app v2.7.x on their iPhone? I currently use DJI GO App v2.7.1 on my iPhone 6 (iOS version 9.3). I was lucky enough to turn off auto-update, and been happily flying ever since. I have skipped most firmware & app updates, because if its not absolutely broken, why fix it? From my experience, every 'update' brings more issues and heartache, more bad than good in all of those so-called "improvements", and trust me, i've learned the hard way. I own both Phantom 3 Standard and P3 Pro. Can someone please share their experience, and possibly offer some advice or answer these questions:
- I’m currently thinking about updating my iOS to versions 10.1.1. Would the GOApp v.2.7 work with the new IOS 10.x update? Does anyone still use the v2.7.x Go App on the newer iOS 10? Is GoApp Backward compatible at all? - Any potential issues with older Firmware on the newer iOS 10 on an iPhone 6? (My current P3S Firmware: : v1.4.60; P3Pro:v1.7.0060)
- Is anyone still using older versions of the app? Sorry about the long message… Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated… Thank you!! |