Flight distance : 175495 ft
United States
Spappy Posted at 2017-2-23 18:39
Well, let me tell you MY story: I ordered the ARGtek range extender kit last week and it showed up Saturday. I installed it 1st thing Sunday and took it for a test flight. The range was WORSE than stock! I contacted the seller (ebay) and told them the problem. They responded the next day and informed me that they have a skype page for technical support, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Long story short, I re-did all the connections (skyping pictures back and forth the whole time) only to find out the connections were fine in the 1st place. THEN, the tech suggest that it's a FIRMWARE issue and not a hardware issue, as 1.8 just came out and people have been having problems with the new update. Sorry, but it's my bedtime by now, I'll have to tackle this tomorrow. The next day, after watching several videos on several ways to downgrade the firmware, I give it a go... with no success, so I'm back on skype with tech support. He walks me thru the process that HE used. It did downgrade, but when I launched the app, I was greeted with several warnings and failure alerts (funny, it worked fine on 1.7 just a couple days ago!) He had me try the downgrade again, and calibrate everything, to no avail.
I have a few questions for the folks at DJI: why would you endorse a 3rd party manufacturer (ARGtek to be specific) if there are known compatibility issues? What was done in 1.8 that is now causing the drone to lose signal (sometimes completely) after only a few hundred feet? Are you aware that 1.8 is seemingly picking up far more interference than previous versions? Is there going to be a fix for this?
I ask these questions because I just wasted $70 on the kit and a week's worth of time only to figure out I'll have to go back to the stock antenna and hope it works as good as it did before the 1.8 update.
it was the argtek. i had one and got half the range of stock. im an electronic tech know my way around a pc board and wires.
i was on 168 and 1500ft stock 700ft argtek.
went and got a dbs still using the argtek base usin the connectors (dbs wires need drilling) i got 3600 ft with it was all happy till 1.7.9 then lots of disconnects and under 1000ft..
then got 1.8.10 and heard of bad home piint issue used go 2.91 and was about 3000 ft mark. but then they force the go update to 3.1.3.
so yesterday i took her out first time with go 3.1.3 and 1.8.1 and wow got my best 4200ft....... |