Phantom 3 4K tried to go awol
1233 3 2016-11-14
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Flight distance : 187493 ft

First time anything like this has ever happened to me.  Thought I had lost it for sure.

I wanted to get some photos of the supermoon tonight.  I successfully calibrated GPS and had 10 satellites I took off and as soon as I got to about 130 feet it took off to the north and started going fast all inputs to RC were completly ignored and it continued north away from me.  I got an out of range error and then the signal came back and I was able to initiate RTH which thankfully worked.   I did hear the controller say ATTI mode as it was flying away from me.

I uploaded my files to healthy drones and it looks like I was getting compass errors and yaw errors.   Is this indicative of a problem with the drone, or too much interference in the neighborhood?

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Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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First, you were wasting your time trying to photograph the stupid supermoon with your Phantom.
Even the most super duper moon is only going to show as a small bright spot with the Phantom's very wide angle lens.

The first thing I notice is that you took off with your battery at 84% and 16.6V.
that didn't cause the problems you observed but it can cause the Phantom to fall from the sky.
Only fly with a full battery.

Next I see compass errors starting at 17 seconds as you lift off and get away from your launch point.
While the Phantom has the compass errors, it defaults to atti mode as programmed and this makes you think it isn't responding to control inputs.
The compass errors clear eventually but return when the Phantom gets close to to home again.

You said that you calibrated the GPS before the flight.
Presumably you mean you calibrated the compass as it is not possible to calibrate the GPS.
One has to be suspicious of your compass calibration and this is the likely cause of the incident.
Where did you calibrate the compass?
Was it on reinforced concrete by any chance?
Or did you launch from reinforced concrete?
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Flight distance : 187493 ft

yes I meant calibrate the compass.  It was in my driveway which is paved asphalt.  It was about 30 feet from a LED streetlight and about 100 feet away from a green electrical box.  All service lines are buried in my neighborhood.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9991457 ft
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RobSinfield Posted at 2016-11-15 23:51
yes I meant calibrate the compass.  It was in my driveway which is paved asphalt.  It was about 30 f ...

If you have buried electrical cables or steel pipes or reinforced concrete nearby that will screw with your compass.
You should get a good compass calibration in a magnetiocally clean area and stick with that rather than unnecessarily recalibrating in dubious locations.
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