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ZENMUSE X5S Compatible with the Inspire 1?
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15721 47 2016-11-15
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The Inspire 2 drone looks pretty incredible. I'm curious if the ZENMUSE X5S is also compatible with the Inspire 1 V2? It doesn't say anything on the store page.

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Flight distance : 396955 ft
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Unlikely. The mounts appear to be different.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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None of the cameras are interchangeable from I1 to I2. It's a totally different mount.
At least the lens's from either X5 is interchangeable.
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sorry duplicate post
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-15 23:08
None of the cameras are interchangeable from I1 to I2. It's a totally different mount.
At least the  ...

so my 3 month old black edition £5000 plus inspire 1 pro setup with extra lenses, extra batteries etc. has to be sold at a ridiculous loss to buy a inspire 2 as nothing is compatible to get WHAT? for my £7000 plus cos you need to buy extra batteries in PAIRS now at over £300 quid now for a battery cos you won't buy one at a time so what do i get?

1. obstacle avoidance (managed so far without it )
2 forward facing camera (i use c1 button that does this when i need it)
3. better camera! how many people have a 5k tv? or am i supposed to view footage on a 27" 5k monitor instead of a 65" oled 4k tv i can just see friends/clients asking why they have to watch footage on a tiny screen so 4k to 5k is a mainly useless aditionoh i forgot redundancy - should'nt a £5000 quid piece of kit be made to be reliable?
4. longer range - not letting a £7000 load of kit fly 4 miles away

so wont be upgrading anytime soon then if i could use some of my existing kit batteries etc. maybe

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Flight distance : 2303 ft
United States

I guess DJI is officially going the Apple route. New product? Nothing is compatible yay! Seriously, if they gave half a crap about their customers they'd have made the X5S compatible with the Inspire 1. There's still plenty of reason to upgrade the body eventually.

Am I crazy or is it strange that they haven't lowered the price on the X5R? If this is now all obsolete I may as well upgrade my Inspire 1 cam until I can afford a brand new system. They've cut all of their other Inspire 1 gear. Why not the X5R?
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

highman Posted at 2016-11-16 08:06
so my 3 month old black edition £5000 plus inspire 1 pro setup with extra lenses, extra batteries  ...

Exactly, your Inspire 1 Pro is perfectly capable of getting what you need done.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

mazurlazer Posted at 2016-11-16 08:36
I guess DJI is officially going the Apple route. New product? Nothing is compatible yay! Seriously,  ...

The Inspire is 2 years old, it was time for a change and it's a whole new aircraft so nothing can transfer over.
For most everyone, I think the Inspire 1 is still 100% fine and get most any job done.
The Inspire 2 is there for users that NEED the extra capabilities.
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United Kingdom

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 06:07
The Inspire is 2 years old, it was time for a change and it's a whole new aircraft so nothing can  ...

the inspire 1 black edition is only MONTHS old not 2 years i would not have spent £5000 on one if i knew that everything on it was to be COMPLETELY replaced several months later think i will get off the dji greed bandwagon and for £3000 without a camera i would have expected at least a hex the redundancy is a joke without at least 6 motors oh that one will come out in another 6 months so the idiots that buy the inspire 2 will have to shell out again for the HEX version,
thank you APPLE oh forgot its DJI
am swapping from apple back to windows have you seen there new touch screen desktop i believe other companys will be as inovative as dji but hopefully not so greedy they think they are APPLE and believe me apple is on the way down long live the revolution
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 00:07
The Inspire is 2 years old, it was time for a change and it's a whole new aircraft so nothing can  ...

Well stated Ken , there will always be the next latest and greatest thing .  I am going to get one , just not immediately , the only feature that has my fancy is the Cell 4G that will someday be implemented , that is going to be awesome .

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 350837 ft
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 07:07
The Inspire is 2 years old, it was time for a change and it's a whole new aircraft so nothing can  ...

Yes and no. Yes, a fresh bird makes sense. But cameras had been developed for it, one year ago the X5R and a few months back the Z3.
Nobody is saying that the I1 should not be upgraded but that the new bird should be in the same price range and carry the same cameras.
Now it is neither of the two, in fact you could argue that there is no upgrade to the I1 as the new bird costs 2-3 times as much and targets a completely different audience.

Or vice versa, imagine the kind of reaction you would have gotten from
...X5R buyers "Oh, new bird with better position hold and longer flight time - brilliant"
...I1 owners "Happy with the current bird but the new camera sounds promising"
...Osmo "Cool, new camera I can even use in the dark"

Of course customers can't do a thing if you decide to break the duality of bird and camera. But it lowers customer loyality and that in a market with more and more competition and for a company which has a track record on support quality. Not a winning proposition long term.
Not my decision but yours. I for sure see no reason to upgrade my current I1 and cannot upgrade the camera as it is not backward compatible. So you lost revenue you could have made with me. I am sure I am not the only one with these kinds of thoughts.
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Theo from curac

WernerD Posted at 2016-11-16 09:20
Yes and no. Yes, a fresh bird makes sense. But cameras had been developed for it, one year ago the ...

AMEN you  have a good point here.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

WernerD Posted at 2016-11-16 07:20
Yes and no. Yes, a fresh bird makes sense. But cameras had been developed for it, one year ago the ...

I think I would have been on board immediately IF my new X5 was compatible , You make a good point about being good to the customer who is loyal and making things work for them .

I will be a buyer, but as I have learned in the past with DJI products, be sure to wait a bit because they let things out Half baked on occasion .

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Flight distance : 326421 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-15 18:08
None of the cameras are interchangeable from I1 to I2. It's a totally different mount.
At least the  ...

Can you send a msg along that there's a market for aerial still imagery/?  My "terrestrial" equipment image quality far exceeds the quality of my x5.  A large sensor large pixel, 20+ mp, camera with both portrait and landscape formats changeable in flight would be great!  I know I could step up to matrice, but you're looking  at total cost with camera 3x the price of the inspire 2.   I'm not sure I want that chunk of change slamming into the ground. Whereas the inspire 1 pro was an affordable loss.  
Would you also mention that maybe an adapter plate for connecting the x5s to inspire 1 pro...might go a long way to customer satisfaction
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

highman Posted at 2016-11-16 16:34
the inspire 1 black edition is only MONTHS old not 2 years i would not have spent £5000 on one if  ...

I'm sorry you feel that way, DJI is about innovation and the Inspire 2 is the next evolution of the Inspire and down the road there will be again something better that it.
Your Inspire is 100% perfectly capable of getting the job done otherwise you would not have purchased it. You have an amazing aircraft and just with less bells and whistles.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

WernerD Posted at 2016-11-16 21:20
Yes and no. Yes, a fresh bird makes sense. But cameras had been developed for it, one year ago the ...

I'll agree with you, the Inspire 2 targets a pure professional market. The Inspire 1 with an X5 or X5R will cover a huge job market. Then for higher end who need 5k video that's when the I2 can be used.
Everyone who bought the I1 was happy with the technology, now that something new comes out does not mean the I1 is any less capable than it used to be.

I'm sorry if the I1's camera's are not compatible and I'm sure there's good reasons for that otherwise they would have made the mount the same.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

adam1 Posted at 2016-11-16 22:26
Can you send a msg along that there's a market for aerial still imagery/?  My "terrestrial" equipme ...

No, there will not be an adapter offered.
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Flight distance : 6716467 ft
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United Kingdom

I use the osmo and switch the x5 from drone to osmo. How sooon will details of the new Osmo type product be released? Ideally we'd have both the new inspire and drone available for order.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

fans694dfe25 Posted at 2016-11-16 23:45
I use the osmo and switch the x5 from drone to osmo. How sooon will details of the new Osmo type pro ...

I don't know about the Osmo, I'm sure something will be coming.
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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

highman Posted at 2016-11-16 03:34
the inspire 1 black edition is only MONTHS old not 2 years i would not have spent £5000 on one if  ...

I too am disappointed with DJI on this one, I had planned on buying the inspire 2 to use with my x-5 camera. Be carful updating your inspire 1 quads because if DJI is anything like apple and future updates will render the older craft useless forcing you to buy the new inspire 2.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

R&L Aerial  Posted at 2016-11-17 00:23
I too am disappointed with DJI on this one, I had planned on buying the inspire 2 to use with my x ...

The Inspire 1 is an awesome aircraft and it will never be useless.
It still does all the amazing things that you bought it for.
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Flight distance : 1997861 ft

The lack of backward compatibility for the current camera's and with the minor updates seen on the Inspire 2... I will not upgrade. FPV, don't care about. Obstacle Avoidance, never used it, don't need it. I'd rather learn to operate the aircraft, than depend on a piece of software. In my opinion, I can't justify $6,000+ CAD for a drone that will be most likely replaced in a year. Like it or not, DJI is Apple. Every year there is a new iPhone and every year Apple makes minor updates but advertises them as huge. End goal to make you feel that you NEED to upgrade, when you don't. One disappointment in my opinion, is flight time. How can you get 2 batteries with 25-27 min flight time? The Inspire 1 TB48 can do 18 min with X3 mounted. You're telling me 2 batteries can't push out 30+ min? That's crazy. The sad thing is, people will go and buy the Inspire 2 just because... While the current loyal customers who have been investing money in their Inspire 1 have been tossed into the ocean left to die. I feel sorry for the people who spent the money on the X5R and XT, knowing within a year those camera's are useless. DJI should push out a new battery for the Inspire 1, allowing a bit longer flight times. They can do it, but they won't. All I can say is, if DJI refuses to keep supporting their Inspire 1, I will no longer be a customer. I don't have respected and valued as a customer. So I'll spend my money elsewhere.
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Flight distance : 1949820 ft
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United States

DJI could make an adapter to use the current x5/x5r to mount to the new I2.
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 07:07
The Inspire is 2 years old, it was time for a change and it's a whole new aircraft so nothing can  ...

When I bought the Inspire 1 Pro I knew the X5 camera was fairly poor, but assumed a new upgrade camera would come with better codec/bitrate etc.
So now we have the camera upgrade, but it has a different mount so the Inspire 1 is obsolete if you want better image quality.
Same with the Osmo X5 - no upgrade camera available, you have to buy a whole new system.
Presume will be same with Inspire2/X5S, no camera upgrades, you have to buy a whole new system Inspire 3
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Cabralkev Posted at 2016-11-17 01:46
The lack of backward compatibility for the current camera's and with the minor updates seen on the I ...

Why would you say the Inspire 1 in a year will be useless.
It is and will remain a extremely useful tool.
Unless all your jobs in a year require 5k (I doubt that), then your Inspire will still be plenty fine.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States
Offline Posted at 2016-11-17 02:57
When I bought the Inspire 1 Pro I knew the X5 camera was fairly poor, but assumed a new upgrade ca ...

As I said in the prior post, if every single one of your jobs require 5k then yes, your I1 won't work.
But I highly doubt that is going to happen.
And there's thousands of X5 owners who love their cameras, if your is having difficulties with tech support troubleshooting then please contact support and send it in for repair.
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Flight distance : 1997861 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 15:39
Why would you say the Inspire 1 in a year will be useless.
It is and will remain a extremely usefu ...

Well I highly doubt you guys at DJI will make a updated version of X5 and X5R. You guys will basically force us to upgrade to the Inspire 2 so we can use a better camera. That alone is a bit unfair. People who do this professionally will be able to bounce back and pay for the Inspire 2 no problem. Don't get me wrong, I will get the X5 soon, but knowing that's the best of the best camera my Inspire can use is a bit disappointing.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Cabralkev Posted at 2016-11-17 05:25
Well I highly doubt you guys at DJI will make a updated version of X5 and X5R. You guys will basic ...

DJI doesn't force you to do anything. Before yesterday your X5R was the best out there for the Inspire and everyone was perfectly happy with it (a lot still are).
If your work requires the video resolution and bitrate the Inspire 2 offers then you should be happy the Inspire 2 will fit the bill.
I think for most of us, the Inspire 1 will work just fine.
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Flight distance : 1997861 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 16:36
DJI doesn't force you to do anything. Before yesterday your X5R was the best out there for the Ins ...

Will there be a new Inspire 1 battery in development? Or is the TB48 all we are getting?
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Cabralkev Posted at 2016-11-17 05:45
Will there be a new Inspire 1 battery in development? Or is the TB48 all we are getting?

I do not know that.
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Flight distance : 4521345 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 14:39
Why would you say the Inspire 1 in a year will be useless.
It is and will remain a extremely usefu ...

Respectfully Ken, the best part of the new Inspire 2 is the additional flight time.  I do a lot of survey and mapping work where many times I thought "can't wait for DJI to extend the flight time of the Inspire so I don't have to land so many times to change batteries, or hope they make a higher MP basic camera for better resolution maps or Hey, I've been asked to sit on a committee for the local fire department to recommend a good UAV for their desire to have an XT in the air to protect their firefighters so I will recommend the new Inspire 2 for the extended flight time . . . .".  Many more Inspire 1 owners were looking to expand flight times than there are those who wanted the X4 and X5s for cinematic work. Just because I do work that is different than cinematic work does not point to me as being a professional or not as you have eluded to in other posts ("  . . . the Inspire 2 is for professional work").  I'm going to assume that you meant professional cinematic companies.  As you have stated, the Inspire 1 with the X5 or X5R will produce great quality cinematic production work but it would have been nice to get the extra time from the Inspire 2 with the X5 until such time as production companies were calling me asking for 5K output.  I won't mention the XT camera I purchased 3 months ago that I would love to put on the Inspire 2 for additional time.
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

fans951dcd15 Posted at 2016-11-17 06:53
Respectfully Ken, the best part of the new Inspire 2 is the additional flight time.  I do a lot of ...

Yes, I meant I2 is for more professional work than the I1.
For longer flight times, there's the M600 that's already been out for a while and with an XT it's over 30 minutes flight time. And there's also the M600 Pro.
So there has already been options for longer flight times way before the I2 was announced.
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Flight distance : 4521345 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-11-16 17:06
Yes, I meant I2 is for more professional work than the I1.
For longer flight times, there's the M6 ...

That is a joke response right?  I could have bought an M600 or 600 Pro to get 30 minutes (taking 6 batteries) at a greatly increased price (6 batteries/30min x 3 flights per day is 18 batteries for about an hour and a half) to get the 30 minutes the I2 gets but cant use my camera?

Thanks for the information but I already assessed that option and pretty easy to see that it would not be as good as the I2 flight time carrying the cameras I already own.

Thanks for your time and expert advise.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

fans951dcd15 Posted at 2016-11-18 04:12
That is a joke response right?  I could have bought an M600 or 600 Pro to get 30 minutes (taking 6 ...

Your welcome, you stated you wanted longer flight time for your XT and that's what the M600 ro M600 Pro would do for an aircraft that's already been out there.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1711394 ft

Cabralkev Posted at 2016-11-17 05:45
Will there be a new Inspire 1 battery in development? Or is the TB48 all we are getting?

You won't see anything new for the I1, DJI has moved on and by the looks of it a significant number of customers are already pre-ordering the I2.

Completely not in DJI's interest to do any further improvement to the old platform.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1778045 ft
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United States

fansf55d33f6 Posted at 2016-11-17 02:54
DJI could make an adapter to use the current x5/x5r to mount to the new I2.

The physical mount of the camera is only part of the equation. From what I understand, the new system has the processor in the bird instead of the camera. So mounting an older camera would be pointless. Completely different system.
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Stein Bless
Flight distance : 259 ft

highman Posted at 2016-11-16 01:06
so my 3 month old black edition £5000 plus inspire 1 pro setup with extra lenses, extra batteries  ...

The company is worse than Apple. First.. The cams for Inspire pro is ridiculous expensive compare with the actual performance. Upgrading from X3 to x5 is a joke if you not a millionaire. Further. the X5 raw is also a unfavorable system compare to what a good Sony, Lumix ore whatever other system can give you for half the price. Further. They cant even  make a Gimbal system that is usable for different systems. Its a profitable marketing system based on profit only. I sure there more competition from other companies sooner that will make them cold.
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Flight distance : 1869469 ft
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United Kingdom

So here's my tuppence worth while we're all chipping in.

Inspire 2 comes out everyone loses their sh*t wonderful new technology yada yada YAY! Then people realise I2 is not compatible with other systems previously released and lose their sh*t again yada yada BOO!

I1 was the beacon of perfection for many users for 2 years (minus the odd iffy firmware update and questionable customer service). People even built business' on the back of it because it such a neat little package. Clients would drool over it and ask questions like "would my camera fit on that?" then the glee pilots took when a clients face lights up with your smug reply "cameras specially built for the drone, it's really quite cutting edge stuff".

For some though having a neat package wasn't enough so DJI brought out the M600 and now M600 pro for the more discerning pilot that needed a bit of flexibility and could lift them off a job if the sh*t hit the fan. Key word there, FLEXIBILITY. Bang! there you go we can go and stick a RED epic and fly around for the same time as an I1 or stick on and X5 and fly til your hearts content.

so what are people really moaning about? the choice is out there. Just because you don't have the latest in tech doesn't mean you don't  have the latest skills. When i 1st started working in Film and TV we had to wait til the next day til we could see the footage. Don't go blaming DJI because you didn't have the foresight to hold back a bit to see if anything new was in the pipeline, thats just your bad planning. If you wanted inter changeable camera mounts buy an M600 if you want quick and easy buy an inspire 1 or 2 but if your gonna have a rant about it rant about why can we not just have a universal battery. For F**k sake DJI why?!?!?!?! Go and have a little word with yourselves and just sort it out. Please.
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Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Stein Bless Posted at 2016-11-18 06:31
The company is worse than Apple. First.. The cams for Inspire pro is ridiculous expensive compare w ...

Your post has been edited for inappropriate language.

The cost difference between the X3 and the X5 series includes not only the camera itself, but the gimbal technology as well. The X5 series is still a great camera series. Of course stand alone DSLR camera companies are able to provide a lot in their equipment, and we do have the M600/Pro series that can use the Ronin MX for other camera options besides our own.

The X3, X5, XT, and Z3 are able to be used on multiple rigs, which include the I1, M600, M100. The Z30 is the only other proprietary aerial gimbal thats for the M100/M600. The OSMO can use the X3 and the X5 series. In short, the compatibility with other systems has been available for a while.
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Flight distance : 1032293 ft
United States

The UAV market is changing very fast..Computer processing, camera and battery technology are changing even faster.
The inspire produced 5 years from now will be 16X more advanced then the I2 is today.
Most folks in this market are geeks and tech heads….They demand radical advancement.  In my opinion it is asking a lot, to ask such a tech based industry to stay backwards compatible…..
How many high end laptops today have DVD drives?
Sure an adapter would be nice… but this new bird apparently has had radical new processing updates to allow it to handle more data flow.
There is a limit to what any company is going to invest in legacy equipment.  
Every one of you guys made the decision that the I1 would suit you’re needs when you bought it.. It was sold and you bought it as it was advertised.
Enjoy the I1’s and get every Penney you can out of them.  Be grateful that many years from now when they are no longer competitive.. You will have another neatly packaged cost efficient RTF bird waiting for you. And you won’t even have to custom build it.
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