Flight distance : 1448799 ft
United Kingdom
Finally fitted a new compass last night, and did a quick test flight today.
For anyone in the same situation - part 71 is for the standard, part 29 for the pro/advanced.
Fitting was fairly straightforward. Opening the shell is fiddly, there are retaining clips along the arms and in the in the mid points of the shell. You'll need a T6 and T8 Torx bits, then after unscrewing the bolts and prising the arms apart I put a screwdriver between the top and bottom parts of each arm to stop it snapping back closed, making popping the center part fairly easy.
The flight was done in the same location as last time - where I was getting constant and easily reproducible errors. The only difference, which is still a Q in my mind, is the temp. Last flights it was around 4C - 5C. Today it was 12C and very windy (24mph).
After a compass calibration I attempted to induce a compass error by rotating at full yaw both CW and CCW. I did this about 20 times in each direction at different locations on the flight path.
No errors. Not a single one.
I then did some fairly aggressive moves side to side, rotating, braking hard - still no errors. In fact, this is the 1st P3 flight I have had with no errors.
<--- that's me now.
now - stop raining! |