How many flights with Mavic before any issues appeared
669 0 2016-11-20
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Flight distance : 100807 ft

Im wondering how many flights people have done before issues appeared? Touch wood i have had no issues with mine so far.Did updates before first flight, read manual, watch videos, read forums and was still nervous to take flight (not so much now)

Have done a total of 15 (mostly short) flights to test and test again and to check out the different features.
Total flight time 1 hr 24 min, total distance 5244M, Furthest flight 2km and highest altitude 120m (limit here in Aus)
Havent tried sport mode yet.

Am i safe in assuming i "shouldnt" run in to any of the bugs or issues that have been reported so far?
Also has anyone else who recieved theirs after the firmware updates had any issues after say 10 plus flights?
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