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Ordered today (11/22), shipping next week.
2023 4 2016-11-22
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Flight distance : 14354 ft
United States

I have placed a new order for the Mavic Fly More from
Having watched a lot of videos from Bo Lorentzen on YouTube (exceptional videos), he always talks about, which is South Carolina, though Bo is actually in California. They are an authorized dealer, and are very friendly and knowledgable about drones. I placed my order just this morning, and they told me that it will ship as soon as their shipment arrives, which is estimated to be next wednesday (a week from today). Different from other sites, they require a down payment, and the balance when it shipps. In the case of the Fly More package, the down payment was $399. Now, here's the bonus! They accept payment via, which means that if you have an Amazon Visa, you qualify for the 3% cash back, or if you are using your DiscoverCard right now, it's 5% with their quarterly 5% promotion with Amazon. And, if you are outside of South Carolina, there is no tax.

These people are straight up, and honest, and I am confident they can deliver on their promise. However, if everyone reading this orders from them, they may become back ordered like everyone else, but at this time, they do seem to have units coming in that are still available for purchase.
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Flight distance : 14045 ft
United States

That would be great if you get quick delivery. Please keep us up to date.
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Alex El Caballo
United States

I called them up and they stated that if one was ordered today delivery "could" be by mid to end of December.
But that she stated, was only an estimate and no guarantees given...
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Flight distance : 14354 ft
United States

Alex El Caballo Posted at 2016-11-22 10:44
I called them up and they stated that if one was ordered today delivery "could" be by mid to end of  ...

I suspect they had a lot of orders today... Not from my post, but from the other post that mentioned they had available stock, which is the reason I called them as well. I read the post last night, and ordered immediately this morning when they opened. I can't recall what post it was in... I think it was one about B&H and their availability, and someone commented about CarolinaDronz having some unallocated units arriving today and next wednesday. Mine is part of next Wednesday's allocation, so they probably already sold them all by now. No surprise, since everyone is clambering for these drones.
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Alex Yo
Flight distance : 176818 ft

Have you seen these lists? It might be worth adding the details in here so peole can see what reselerees are shipping and when. ... /edit#gid=308760043

and here ... amp;sort_order=desc
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