First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
Some very good replies here for you , just want to add a couple of points. Make sure you always Hear the "Home Point Recoirded" announcement at the beginning of flight , this way you know it has been stored and also you will be able to hear other warnings as well. Keep in mind that RTH does not move as fast as manually flying the aircraft home . Make sure your RTH height is set to clear any obstacles in the flying area but not much higher than that, when RTH is engaged you are ususally out a- ways and low on battery , by going to excessive altitude is just a waste of power when you may need it to make it home safe. If you enable "Smart RTH" then the system will calculate how much battery is remaining to still make it back safely : keep in mind this does not take into account headwind, so dont rely on that calculation if you are downwind quite a ways out.
As you have leaned , and DJI Daroga pointed out , when within 20 meters and RTH is pressed it will just land, keep in mind if just ouside of this parameter that the Aircraft will climb first and at this time you will have no control of the ascent , just be aware of this and dont be below something that the aircraft can hit , the best way to cancel the RTH quickly is to press the button on the transmitter ( home button ) and cancel the RTH sequence.
Dont make a habit of using the RTH, learn to use the compass and GPS if slightly out of visual range
****For travel mode - be sure you are on a hard level surface when engaging and disengaging, the AC uses the VPS sensor under the AC to raise and lower the Gear . the Gear itself needs a smooth hard surfact for it to work properly .
Also since you are new to this , before you do ANY UPDATES, please read my tips page, it may save you hours of grief in the future . Two tips I will give right now . NEVER UPDATE THE AIRCRAFT WITH THE TRANSMITTER ON, IT CAN CORRUPT THE VIDEO MODULE and always update the Aircraft FIRST, EVEN IF THE gO APP SAYS THERE IS AN UPDATE FOR THE RC, IF THERE IS ONE FOR THE AIRCRAFT YOU MUST DO IT THE AIRCRAFT FIRST. failure to do so can lock the AC in travel mode and you will have to do a rollback procedure to get out of the mess.
Have fun -