Flight distance : 164354 ft
United Kingdom
I calibrated everything before my first flight. It's been rock solid and without issue. All calibrations were successful. If I had not calibrated the Mavic and something caused it to crash, I wouldn't know whether it was an inherent calibration issue or not. Having carried out the calibrations meticulously and seen the successful calibration report each time, and then double checked the status of the sensors, I am satisfied with the results. The calibrations made were:
2. Compass
3. Visual positioning system
4. Gimbal
5. Controller
These calibrations were done, where appropriate, on a levelled table top away from any interference, and having removed any metal objects from the area, including and most importantly, my smart watch.
For the people that have had issues with their drone, some will be genuine and I feel really sorry for you guys, but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority could not have been avoided if the aircraft were properly set up. Were ALL calibrations made and checked, or just a compass calibration? Additionally, were the sensor status's checked before and after?