Flight distance : 2883714 ft
Just used DJI Assistant & Win10 to pull some flight records for the S7 follow me thread. Shut everthing down afterwards and now controller reports SD card error. Put SD card in PC only to be told it is unreadable and needs to be formatted.
This would be fine if it did not contain about 15GB of video that I want. Grrrrrr. Never occured to me to pull the SD before connecting to DJI Assistant. It is a Samsung 64GB 3 XC 1 (Grade 3, Class 10). As I said in another thread, one should not fiddle wtih things that are working fine....
I guess there is little chance of recovering the data, so I will have to try reformat it and say goodbye to my video. Fortunately I pulled some of it off my phone cache already. Card was previously routinely getting formatted by me to empty with DJI GO app.
Hopefully I might recover the SD card at least. Warning to others - Pull your SD before using DJI assistant.