United States
My mavic's front-right red light has never turned on, right out of the box. I've turned them on/off in the go app, and the left one is fine, but nothing from the right one. The mavic seems to have no other problems but I haven't tested everything yet, only two quick flights.
I have DJI care, but I'm hesitant to send it back to DJI right now with stock so low. I'm worried that I'll have to wait several weeks or more to get a replacement/repair over an issue that isn't that serious in the short term. has anyone sent theirs in recently and gotten it back fast? Anyone have DJI currently sitting on your un-repaired drone and how long? Should I just wait awhile to start a care/support ticket? I'm trying to get some idea of total turnaround time with DJI care right now (I'm in the US).
Thanks in advance, everybody. First drone, lucked out in getting it, was kinda bummed that it had a defect out of the box. |