Flight distance : 315906 ft
South Korea
I think all of us should be aware of the following:
- in the failsafe RTH mode (f this is not failing which is what I am still suspecting in my case) the mavic will not go beyond the altitude limit that was set (most of us are probably setting it to whatever legal limit is existing in the respective country we are flying in). I am not talking about the RTH altitude but the max altitude that can be set between 20 and 500 meters. IN case you wonder why this matters: Well, if your bird is above the RTH height at the time it loses connection and ASSUMING that the RTH mode is properly working, the mavic WILL NOT descend to the set RTH height but go straight back to the home point. If it now encounters an obstacle that is HIGHER than the set max altitude, the RTH mode will stop working as the mavic wil only climb until it has reached the limit that was set, even if that means that it cannot overcome the obstacle that made it stop. In this case, according to DJI, the drone would eventually simply land when the battery is in a critical stage. But how to find the drone then. Basically not that hard, when taking the trajectory of the point it lost connection and the homepoint and looking for the obstacle it could not overcome due to the altitude limit (NOT RTH limit) that was set.
Well, if the drone is however not there, is is more than likely that the failsafe RTH has not worked at all. Well, I will hopefully find out pretty soon, continuing my discussion with DJI customer support..... |