Flight distance : 115837 ft
United States
I had a same problem. I was flying around not far away. (45m high, 30m horizontal), and pressed "go home"
button. He turned to me, passed me, in 3 seconds while it was still in my range of view, it notified some problems with GPS, then it switched to ATTI mode and canceled "go home" commmand. Ive lost visional contact in 10 seconds, while it was drifting fast, i tried to locate it, but in approx 1 minute picture transmission finishes and in some one more minute it was lost. Checking last video on my phone, i found that place (if was more then 800m from me.). I arrived there and a remote controller connected to that, i turned the camera on, and understood that it is on the tree. 20m above the ground. It was a very difficult operation to take that from there, but i did it. I thought what once it lost signal with remote controller with no having active GPS, it was trying to land there. But when i checked the video, i understand how it was.
1. It lost gps signal
2. with wind it drifted far away from me (800m) before losing remote controller signal
3. after that it continued drifting away and it reached the river, that was approx 600-700
after it lost remote controller connection.
4. On the middle of river he turned back and drifted approximately to the place where the signal of remote was lost.
5. And then it catches to the tree.
1. Why it crached to the tree? All sensors were turned on and active!!!
2. Why having no GPS he didn't try to land on the place where signal with remote was lost, but it continued flying away?
3. somebody knows, if he understand what is water, and that it's not better to land there?
4. I am a beginner and i am lucky that i found it on the tree, that he returned there, but not landed to the river.
5. when he begin going back, it should have find GPS signal, and seems to be begin his way home. But why he changed his attitude (lower that safe attitude), and as result crashed to the tree?! |