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Mavic batteries for storage
3210 2 2016-11-27
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United Kingdom

The Intelligent Flight Battery has its own integrated battery-management system that takes into account everything from remaining voltage, amount of power being used, temperature, and more to calculate remaining flight times, so you always know when to head home. It also has a host of protection mechanisms in place to prevent overcharging and over draining, both of which can damage a LiPo battery permanently. When placed in longer term storage, LiPo batteries should only be kept at 50% charge. Any more or less could cause permanent damage. If left unused, DJI Intelligent Flight Batteries will discharge power until 50% to maintain good health. So this means you have to charge you batteries every time you use them because the battery won't go to storage charge from empty. And is there any need for lipo bags.
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Flight distance : 1499911 ft
United Kingdom

Thats good to hear, but will the batteries go from 100% automatically into storage mode?
say, if ive charged them up and take them off charge in the morning to go flying late afternoon, will they be less than 100% by the time you get to fly late afternoon?
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Flight distance : 126079 ft

fansa5469087 Posted at 2017-1-17 07:18
Thats good to hear, but will the batteries go from 100% automatically into storage mode?
say, if ive charged them up and take them off charge in the morning to go flying late afternoon, will they be less than 100% by the time you get to fly late afternoon?

Batteries will start to discharge after a specific period of time. You can set this period of time in the app. Values start at 1 day up to 10 days.
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