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Promoting Flying Safety
928 7 2016-11-28
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Henry M.Y.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
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Hong Kong

Dear DJI LA Support - the Moderator of this Forum,

In trying to promote flying safe and to draw Mavic Pro pilots' attention the importance of choosing the right place and the right weather condition to fly reponsibily, I tried in the past 24 hours to post thrice an accident happened in a city at 800km east-NE of HK on 26 Nov 2016 during which a woman was cut on her face and on her arm by prop blades of a reckless pilot's Mavic Pro, but all three posts were deleted or shielded from being able to be viewed in the course of an endless audit!

May I ask in what better way I could have written my safety-promoting post (i.e. not mentioning politically sensitive place? or not incuding any word that DJI considered it not appropriate to appear here?)?

I just want to promote safe flying only.

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United States

They don't want people spreading footage that shows people being injured by a Mavic crash, as it makes the loss of control/ATTI issues people have been seeing much more serious.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 6467 ft
United Kingdom

Henry, I think they are quite happy with posts and videos showing problems with YOUR Mavic, along with the flight logs etc, but I think trying to post other peoples footage of alleged incidents does not really help.
We all have access to YouTube and can watch as many Mavic crash videos as we like, no need to keep posting them on here.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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It's very positive for flyers what your saying and doing , safety should always be number 1 concern with people flying drones, and the more we discuss this the better it will reflect on the people who want to fly drones.
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United States


AMA has headed the same effort with RC aircraft for decades.

Unfortunately a video with cuts and bruises won't convey the importance of common sense to those absent of the trait.

I've lost track of how many fingers went into model aircraft propellers, accidents behind flight lines, transmitter jams, etc.

If a moving propeller doesn't command instant respect, a video won't have a profound impact on a careless operator.

I doubt a major car manufacturer like Ford would allow videos of people getting hurt in their cars.  They can't control stupid people, why them negatively market their products.
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DJI LA Support
United States

I appreciate you being courteous about this. The truth is, it is simply unneeded attention to a subject that is very delicate. The hobby/industry is under a very close watch by the public and drawing attention to pilot caused accidents may be doing more harm than good. Feel free to post new threads about safety, but please refrain from attracting the eyes of people looking to find reasons to be afraid of the industry.

I hope you understand.
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Henry M.Y.
Second Officer
Flight distance : 11548839 ft
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Hong Kong

DJI LA Support Posted at 2016-11-29 01:36
I appreciate you being courteous about this. The truth is, it is simply unneeded attention to a subj ...

DJI's launching of the Mavic Pro is a great success. The popular Mavic Pro attracts a huge group of new and inexperience pilots, but unfortunately some of them are reckless.

The drawing of new pilots' attention to the possible consequence from wrongly chosen flying environment and from flying one's Mavic Pro beyond its limitation against the inclement weather conditions may help bringing up the awareness of flying responsibly and safely, and hopefully will reduce similar happening in the future.

The more such kind of accidents, the fewer places in this world for us to enjoy our Mavic Pro!

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Flight distance : 400190 ft

Henry M.Y. Posted at 2016-11-28 17:51
DJI's launching of the Mavic Pro is a great success. The popular Mavic Pro attracts a huge group o ...

If you went to a car companies website and posted videos and pictures of people being killed in car accidents with their cars then how do you think they would react?

Accidents happen. Make a video or write a post about safe flying practices if you want to help. Over publicizing the negatives is what new stations are for.
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