Flight distance : 2528264 ft
United States
Aloha Snowwolf,
It usually takes at least 24 hours before a tracking number is provided. Shipped means it has left the DJI factory. Then it gets delivered by some means to the distribution outlet (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.). Depending on volume, it can take a day or two before it gets put on a plane. As it is being organized with the other items to get put on a plane it is scanned since it is now about to be in transit and trackable according to the distribution outlet. The tracking number is not DJI's, it is the distribution outlet's. Notice the web page when you get the tracking number.
The DJI Order page in your DJI Account has a tracking graph that you can follow until you get a tracking number. Hope this helps!
Aloha and Drone On! |