Flight distance : 1121519 ft
United States
I ran into this thread searching for IMU Initialization on the P4P. I hand launch when in snow or dust ... and today it was deep snow. But ... I did not notice that I was moving it around when the App said "IMU Initializating" until it was too late .. when I started the motors, the thing went crazy and wanted to kill me .. was even hard to shut down with CSC.
So I got to wondering if this will be a problem as I too like to hand launch and retrieve from sailboat. I've done it many many times successfully with Inspire 1 and Typhoon H. Now I have P4P and Mavic. Are they more sensitive to movement while starting up? I notice "IMU Initializing" only happens once in a while. You "landlubbers" (cheerfully joshing) might not know, but a boat in calm water at anchor is still always in motion.
Also ... you don't want ATTI mode when retrieving. You want to to hover. If the boat is in motion, best practice is to have a separate catcher person. Hover, then let the boat come to the catcher. If you miscalculate, the pilot maneuvers to try again. Always leave enough battery to allow for several tries. I had a battery go into warning state and try to RTH which was on the other side of the lake ... but fought it down and grabbed it (Inspire). Lucky.
If at anchor, same deal, but you just bring the bird in toward you, down, in, down in, let it hover withing EASY reach (no use you both going in if you over-extend and slip) then grab it by the lowest firm bits. You have already practiced hand launch and retrieval on shore. Right?
But still ... if the IMU issue is "a thing" I am not going to be happy, as launching from boat is important. |