I read somewhere that it is possible to adjust the gimbal roll while in flight via the controller buttons, holding one, and using a wheel. I have not been able to figure out how to do this or seen any settings in the DJI Go app. Does anyone know how to do this or if it's possible ?
I'm sure several of us would be interested in this... just took mine up this morning and had to manually adjust gimbal roll mid flight to correct horizon...
You can hold down C2 while turning the right (camera adjustment) wheel to adjust roll. There is a bug right now that makes this also adjust the camera EV at the same time (as if you weren't holding down C2). I haven't tested to see if its fixed in the new iOS app yet.
ctopysf Posted at 2016-11-30 11:31
You can hold down C2 while turning the right (camera adjustment) wheel to adjust roll. There is a bu ...
This does not adjust gimbal roll at all for me. Is there something else I have to do to get this feature to work? C2+right wheel does nothing except change EV, the gimbal does not rotate. Everything up to date. Doesn't work with the DJI Go app nor the new v4.
I hope they update with firmware where you can adjust the gimbal roll with the 5D button.
I shoot 4k so zoom in left and right does not get used.
Holding down c2 and exposure wheel works but it also changes the exposure so they need to fix that problem. However, I think the 5D button would work better.
Android here, does not work for me, never has with my phantoms or mavic. Would be ideal as stated prior, if the 5D button could be programmed for gimbal roll left/right.
With the Phantom 4, the C2+exposure wheel adjusted the roll without changing the exposure. However with the Mavic, when you try that short cut, it changes the roll and also changes the exposure.
I hope they can give us the option to set 5D button to change gimbal roll. Then it won't conflict with exposure or anything.