United States
fans50c32a8d Posted at 2017-2-3 22:06
Hi Dave, the issue is that on the Phantom for h265, there is a choice of .mov or .mp4. If you use .mov, you cannot import the files into Premiere. You MUST use .mp4 OR simply rename your files to .mp4. After that, Premiere prompts for the HEVC codec and all goes well.
Many thanks for pointing that out , THAT IS THE CRITICAL missing link.
Background - Currently (as of Feb 2017) Apple does not support HEVC/H265 in Quicktime (remember there is a license fee and Apple would need to somehow charge for that - no way to purchase Quicktime Pro with MPEG add-on like the old days) .
When Premiere sees a .mov we use our Quicktime Importer to read and decode the file. If we see a .mp4 then we use the Adobe Importer and the importer then figures out what type of MPEG file it is. H265 is partof the MP4 spec which is why it needs to be .mp4.
What if I already shot my H265 footage in .mov - SIMPLE FIX - rename all your .movs to .mp4 and the Adobe Importer will decode the H265.
NOTE for DJI - Feature Request: When H265 is chosen as the codec please default the file type to .mp4 and don't give the option to use .mov unless Apple updates Quicktime to support H265.
WORKFLOW TIP - DO NOT use H265 if you intend to do a lot of editing. While it's awesome that the files are high quality and smaller than H264 it;s also |