United States
Hi guys,
I'll start by saying I'm a complete drone novice. I've recently come across an issue at work that I think a drone would fix.
I'm a polymer chemist making a tricky precursor material. To nail the correct molecular weight, samples must be run on an NMR throughout the reaction. NMR tubes are tiny (~2g), and the samples including solvent weigh no more than a gram. I figure that a 3 gram load is nothing to an Inspire 2.
Here's where the drone comes in. My lab is about 3 miles as the crow flies from our NMR. We actually have a clear line of sight all the way up to the NMR facility. Do you guys think that it's feasible to use an Inspire 2 to transport samples quickly? Like I said, I am a novice when it comes to nice drones. I assume the first person camera would be fine, I don't think I'd need to attach something fancier. This would only increase battery life, correct?
I'm proficient at flying micro drones. I have a few I fly around my living room no problems, and can even fly them around outside with a bit of wind. How different is flying an Inspire? I'd assume very different, but it couldn't be harder than fighting wind with a tiny drone with no stabilization.
What am I missing? Please pick holes in this idea. I'd hate to get a $3K drone only to find out that it doesn't fit my application. That said, it would be awesome to have my work buy me an Inspire 2 which I could then use to film other things inbetween syntheses. I realize I'd have to get another camera, unless for some reason an X5R would benefit transport as well.
Thanks for reading!