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Sparkles in My Video
4343 37 2016-12-5
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Hi All
I noticed an anomaly in my video while flying around the pond. There are white sparkles (pixels?) within the dark shadows. They are very noticeable in this video link.
Here are the particulars: P3A, 1080p@30fps, settings are Automatic, using an ND4 filter. I ran it the day before with just the UV filter and it was the same.
I have seen this on various occasions, but it seemed really noticeable in this video. You will see from the shadow positions that the sparkles exist at various camera angles relative to the sun. I am aware of a bit of giggle in the beginning.
BTW: I just ordered an ND 16 and a CP filter for comparison. Couple of days till I can try them.
I'll bet someone knows exactly what is happening.

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Flight distance : 210118 ft
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United States

looks like compression issues. what card and write speed does the card support?
what editor are you using?
can you submit some raw data direct from the sd card that was in the plane?
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

marctronixx Posted at 2016-12-5 19:23
looks like compression issues. what card and write speed does the card support?
what editor are you using?
can you submit some raw data direct from the sd card that was in the plane?

Thanks for your interest. My SD is a SanDisk HC1 U3 - very fast and reliable. I first noticed the spots/pixels viewing it straight from the card. (I've noticed it before, but didn't give it too much thought)
I processed it in Pinnacle and viewed it frame by frame. The dots are all 1 frame in duration and what looks like single pixels of white. They show up in deeply shaded areas. You may be able to see them in the video screen captures below. One person thinks I have a sensor problem.
Look in the shadows of the houses (not the geese in the pond) These are adjacent frames (or 2 are)
New Movie (128).Movie_Snapshot.jpg

New Movie (128) (2).Movie_Snapshot.jpg

New Movie (128) (3).Movie_Snapshot.jpg
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Flight distance : 3058816 ft

I know this mite sound stupid but its not specs of dust on/in your your camera lens due to changing filters??.Cheers mate..
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


It happens to all the videos recorded, right?
How about the photos?
Would you please upload the original video or photo to dropbox and provide us the link?
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Rnfaust Posted at 2016-12-6 16:45
Thanks for your interest. My SD is a SanDisk HC1 U3 - very fast and reliable. I first noticed the spots/pixels viewing it straight from the card. (I've noticed it before, but didn't give it too much thought)
I processed it in Pinnacle and viewed it frame by frame. The dots are all 1 frame in duration and what looks like single pixels of white. They show up in deeply shaded areas. You may be able to see them in the video screen captures below. One person thinks I have a sensor problem.
Look in the shadows of the houses (not the geese in the pond) These are adjacent frames (or 2 are)

It is not dust, and it may very well be a sensor problem, but it looks mostly like sporadic interference getting into the video system My approach would be to find a way to duplicate the problem first, like shoot video with a cover over the lens to produce a black frame. If the sparkles are still there, then I would try unplugging and re-seating the cables between the video processor board on the gimbal assembly and the main board, also the ribbon cable between the camera and the processor board.
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Flight distance : 210118 ft
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United States

yes upon looking at it again it does look like stuck pixels or an issue with the sensor.

how long have you had this drone? has it fallen or anything? did you update it and noticed this issue?
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

DINGO DOWN UNDA Posted at 2016-12-5 23:12
I know this mite sound stupid but its not specs of dust on/in your your camera lens due to changing filters??.Cheers mate..

It's not dust. Looks like certain pixels are turning on and off frame by frame.
I wonder if it's happening throughout the image, but only noticeable in dark surroundings.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2016-12-5 23:55
It happens to all the videos recorded, right?
How about the photos?
Would you please upload the original video or photo to dropbox and provide us the link?

I've noticed it before, but did not think much of it since I only see it in dark areas.
I rarely take stills - I just grab them in post editing. I will try some and report back. However, the dots are not easy to see in a still. In a video however, they are very noticeable because of the flashing on and off randomly.
The original video was of the entire flight, but that is where I first noticed it. I just posted this shortened version to YouTube for your convenience. Are you able to view it?
I will do more experimenting.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

marctronixx Posted at 2016-12-6 02:48
yes upon looking at it again it does look like stuck pixels or an issue with the sensor.

how long have you had this drone? has it fallen or anything? did you update it and noticed this issue?

I've had the P3A since circa June 2015.
I've noticed the sparkles from time to time in dark areas of the videos.
I don't believe it's related to a particular update.
There was a crash in its first week of flying, but there was no damage to the camera or gimbal at all.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-6 00:53
It is not dust, and it may very well be a sensor problem, but it looks mostly like sporadic interference getting into the video system My approach would be to find a way to duplicate the problem first, like shoot video with a cover over the lens to produce a black frame. If the sparkles are still there, then I would try unplugging and re-seating the cables between the video processor board on the gimbal assembly and the main board, also the ribbon cable between the camera and the processor board.

I like your diagnostic ideas and I'll try blacking out the lens and reseating the cables today.
I wonder if those sparkles are actually everywhere, but only noticeable in the dark shadows.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-6 00:53
It is not dust, and it may very well be a sensor problem, but it looks mostly like sporadic interference getting into the video system My approach would be to find a way to duplicate the problem first, like shoot video with a cover over the lens to produce a black frame. If the sparkles are still there, then I would try unplugging and re-seating the cables between the video processor board on the gimbal assembly and the main board, also the ribbon cable between the camera and the processor board.

Running tests today
#1: I covered the lens with a black lens cloth and ran videos at various exposures.
No sparkles. So light must be present to trigger the flashes.
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Rnfaust Posted at 2016-12-7 06:36
Running tests today
#1: I covered the lens with a black lens cloth and ran videos at various exposures.
No sparkles. So light must be present to trigger the flashes.

Did you actually fly the camera? If not, it may b\not reproduce the fault. It may be a loose cable, in which case it may vibrate when flying, causing the problem.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-6 15:06
Did you actually fly the camera? If not, it may b\not reproduce the fault. It may be a loose cable, in which case it may vibrate when flying, causing the problem.

I must confess - I did not fly it. I did it from the comfort of my desk. Didn't even idle it.
I looked at the cables from the camera to the gimbal and the gimbal through the shell and decided they were best left for another day. I'll need more data points (sparkles) before I embark on that journey.
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Rnfaust Posted at 2016-12-7 09:31
I must confess - I did not fly it. I did it from the comfort of my desk. Didn't even idle it.
I looked at the cables from the camera to the gimbal and the gimbal through the shell and decided they were best left for another day. I'll need more data points (sparkles) before I embark on that journey.

I sympathise, it is not a trivial thing to get to those cables.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Geebax Posted at 2016-12-6 16:16
I sympathise, it is not a trivial thing to get to those cables.

BTW: is your avatar coming or going? I couldn't have framed it better myself.
Snow on the way here. My next video should look quite different.
D'day Mate!
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Rnfaust Posted at 2016-12-7 11:43
BTW: is your avatar coming or going? I couldn't have framed it better myself.
Snow on the way here. My next video should look quite different.
D'day Mate!

My avatar has a mind of its own, it is very subject to 'flyaway'. It vanished completely at one stage a few months back. It is also very rude and makes rude noises at me when it comes flying by.

Yeah, we are completely at opposites, you are about to get snow and for us the hot weather and beautiful flying and shooting conditions.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Just a thought .... I see the pond is frozen below ? I take it weather is cold ?

I often find my videos in winter have sparkles in them at times when the sun hits an angle with any tiny ice crystals or moisture drops in the air.

I don't say this is yours, but do you have the sparkles when its not cold ?

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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

solentlife Posted at 2016-12-7 01:22
Just a thought .... I see the pond is frozen below ? I take it weather is cold ?

I often find my videos in winter have sparkles in them at times when the sun hits an angle with any tiny ice crystals or moisture drops in the air.

Interesting thought. However, it was very dry when I shot this video. The snow had fallen days before. I should have zoomed to the shadows of the homes where the sparkles are. The pixels turn on and off randomly always for only a single frame, hence the sparkle term.
This is a Litchi mission I fly frequently, so I will try to compare it to earlier runs and see if it was always there.
It's 15 degrees fahrenheit and snowing today so it may be awhile before I get out again.
Thanks for your interest.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2016-12-5 23:55
It happens to all the videos recorded, right?
How about the photos?
Would you please upload the original video or photo to dropbox and provide us the link?

Hi Natalia
I took this video today, still trying to track down what is causing the random sparkle dots in the dark shadow areas of my videos. I have tried every filter I have and none are better. UV,OE, ND4, ND16 and this video was with a CPL. You will see, especially starting at 1:17 at the bottom all the dots, each lasting a single frame.
I don't know what to do besides avoid shadows.
Appreciate your help.
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United States

Tis happens to me, But mine is even worse. the sparkles don't come up in just shadows they come up everywhere

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United States

fans0ca437b2 Posted at 2016-12-11 20:09
Tis happens to me, But mine is even worse. the sparkles don't come up in just shadows they come up everywhere

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United States

fans0ca437b2 Posted at 2016-12-11 20:10
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Rnfaust Posted at 2016-12-12 06:22
Hi Natalia
I took this video today, still trying to track down what is causing the random sparkle dots in the dark shadow areas of my videos. I have tried every filter I have and none are better. UV,OE, ND4, ND16 and this video was with a CPL. You will see, especially starting at 1:17 at the bottom all the dots, each lasting a single frame.
I don't know what to do besides avoid shadows.

Rnfault, for this case, it needs to be sent in for evaluation by our engineers.
If you haven't contacted our tech support to create a case, then please send an e-mail with the subject "Forum Support" to and include the following information, we'll create a case for you:
Brief Description of your Issue:
Full Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Shipping Address:
Zip Code:
Link to your case on Forum:
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


fans0ca437b2 Posted at 2016-12-12 09:09
Tis happens to me, But mine is even worse. the sparkles don't come up in just shadows they come up everywhere


Sorry to hear about the issue, and I cannot access to all the links you provided.
If you need upload the pictures here, please click advanced--Picture, then it will shows here.

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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2016-12-11 20:10
Rnfault, for this case, it needs to be sent in for evaluation by our engineers.
If you haven't contacted our tech support to create a case, then please send an e-mail with the subject "Forum Support" to  and include the following information, we'll create a case for you:

Thanks Natalia
My P3A is long out of warranty, so I will wait until the problem gets worse before I start replacing things. I guess that more than an adjustment is needed.
We will see if this is the beginning of the end or the new normal.
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Rnfaust Posted at 2016-12-12 23:04
Thanks Natalia
My P3A is long out of warranty, so I will wait until the problem gets worse before I start replacing things. I guess that more than an adjustment is needed.
We will see if this is the beginning of the end or the new normal.

Never mind, please feel free to let me know if you need help again.
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United States

You know, I was getting the same thing and guess what it turned out to be? Snow. I know, I couldn't see it at first with my eyes and wondering what those specks were in my videos. You can't see this very light snow on automobiles or anything and it can happen with very little clouds and bright sunlight. Was it cold enough to snow? Maybe it (including mine) isn't really snow, but something else in the air. It is very hard to see with your eyes, but the camera sure picks it up well.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

BillW50 Posted at 2016-12-14 03:17
You know, I was getting the same thing and guess what it turned out to be? Snow. I know, I couldn't see it at first with my eyes and wondering what those specks were in my videos. You can't see this very light snow on automobiles or anything and it can happen with very little clouds and bright sunlight. Was it cold enough to snow? Maybe it (including mine) isn't really snow, but something else in the air. It is very hard to see with your eyes, but the camera sure picks it up well.

Hey Bill - I really hope you are right. We'll see what happens over time.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Here is an update for you guys.
My camera permanently lost image the other day. The gimbal still operates normally however, but no camera controls.
I ordered a new flat ribbon cable to the camera ($40) which should be here tomorrow. I'll let you know if that was the problem all along. If not - maybe a new Mavic?
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Flight distance : 834117 ft

Try the next time NOT use AWB.. but fixed.. let me know if that helps
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

NKars Posted at 2017-1-10 09:40
Try the next time NOT use AWB.. but fixed.. let me know if that helps

Thanks for the tip NKars. I'll definitely try it if I can get my camera back online. We'll know Thursday :-)
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Flight distance : 70748 ft
United States

Rnfaust Posted at 2017-1-10 12:11
Thanks for the tip NKars. I'll definitely try it if I can get my camera back online. We'll know Thursday :-)

Do it do it with all video cards?  Have you tried another video card?  Just curious
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Jetpilot Posted at 2017-1-10 13:48
Do it do it with all video cards?  Have you tried another video card?  Just curious

Yes, but now I can't record at all.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Rnfaust Posted at 2017-1-10 09:25
Here is an update for you guys.
My camera permanently lost image the other day. The gimbal still operates normally however, but no camera controls.
I ordered a new flat ribbon cable to the camera ($40) which should be here tomorrow. I'll let you know if that was the problem all along. If not - maybe a new Mavic?

Good news!!
I just finished replacing the part #49 flat gimbal cable. Not really hard, but you will want to have watched the Youtube video a few times and have it handy. It's a 3 dimensional cable and can be a little convoluted. Since it uses adhesive in places there is no margin for error. Still, it's not hard.
Anyway my camera is back online again. Flight test tomorrow. I'm hoping it will also cure the sparkles I've been seeing lately in the shadowed areas of my videos also.
If anyone else has the same problem with their P3 advanced, it's Dji part #49 available from Amazon or Dji. $40 repair. Guess I won't be getting a Mavic yet - I still have some miles left in my P3A. :-)
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

Rnfaust Posted at 2017-1-11 18:31
Good news!!
I just finished replacing the part #49 flat gimbal cable. Not really hard, but you will want to have watched the Youtube video a few times and have it handy. It's a 3 dimensional cable and can be a little convoluted. Since it uses adhesive in places there is no margin for error. Still, it's not hard.
Anyway my camera is back online again. Flight test tomorrow. I'm hoping it will also cure the sparkles I've been seeing lately in the shadowed areas of my videos also.

Good to hear that all seems well.
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Flight test today. All is well - and no more "sparkles!" The white single frame dots (sparkles) were just the first signs of the whole image going out.
For those with a similar problem and unsure whether to buy a new camera ribbon cable, it is possible merely reseating the connectors might do it.
You will still need to remove the camera back plate and the bottom gimbal module cover to reach the 5 connectors. Watch the video to see which ones pull out and which have locking bars. Tools needed are #00 philips and #6 Torx. Needle nose or tweezers are helpful. Takes about an hour - and well worth it!
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Flight distance : 734938 ft
United States

Ok, last post
Here is the video I took today. Look Ma - no sparkles.
Please note, I'm not referring to reflection from the pond or the geese. The earlier videos contained white spots in random shadowy areas and each lasting only a single frame. They were early signs of the camera ribbon cable connection going bad. It finally lost image altogether. Problem now fixed :-)
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