Mavic overheating and no fan running?
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19860 49 2016-12-9
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I received my Mavic today and had it on the table to do the firmware update.  Twice it turned off during the firmware update and when I touched the heatsink it was crazy hot.  When it finally finished the firmware update (it recovered from turning off luckily) it gave me an onscreen warning about mainboard overheating.  Reading thru some of these threads and look at tear downs on Youtube I see that there is a fan just behind the camera but it doesn't appear to spin for me (ever).  I get no exhaust and shinning a flashlight in I can see the fan is never spinning up.

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That's not right. The fan should turn on after maybe two minutes. It's loud to you can't miss it running. I would contact dji.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 545817 ft
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United Kingdom

The main fan is just behind the camera, there have been one or two instances where the grill was just touching the fan - might just be enough to stop it? - but don't do any bending if sending it back!
Fan is essential because it runs very hot even in flight during cold weather..
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


Sorry to hear about that. We'd love to help you handle it if there is something wrong with the aircraft.
Just to clarify, you always have the warning message on the APP screen after turning it on for a while or just happened when finishing firmware upgrading? If it appears frequently, please post a screenshot here.
For the fan issue, would you please record a short video for evaluation?
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United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2016-12-10 08:57
Sorry to hear about that. We'd love to help you handle it if there is something wrong with the aircraft.
Just to clarify, you always have the warning message on the APP screen after turning it on for a while or just happened when finishing firmware upgrading? If it appears frequently, please post a screenshot here.
For the fan issue, would you please record a short video for evaluation?

I got the warning message the first time I tried to fly it, but I haven't tried to fly it since because I'm sure the outcome would be tragic.  I live in Florida and the ambient temperature is already hot enough so running without any cooling seems like it's doomed.  The heatsink on the bottom of the unit gets too hot to touch within minutes of turning the aircraft on and there's never any audible noise from the fan and any air movement coming out the back as others have described.  I can stick a small wire in the fan grill behind the camera and see that the fan is NOT spinning on it's own and I can get it to move with the wire so I don't think there is anything touching the fan to restrict it's movement.   I filed a Zendesk ticket of 360684 but have gotten no replies on it.
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United States

jaysine Posted at 2016-12-12 22:23
I got the warning message the first time I tried to fly it, but I haven't tried to fly it since because I'm sure the outcome would be tragic.  I live in Florida and the ambient temperature is already hot enough so running without any cooling seems like it's doomed.  The heatsink on the bottom of the unit gets too hot to touch within minutes of turning the aircraft on and there's never any audible noise from the fan and any air movement coming out the back as others have described.  I can stick a small wire in the fan grill behind the camera and see that the fan is NOT spinning on it's own and I can get it to move with the wire so I don't think there is anything touching the fan to restrict it's movement.   I filed a Zendesk ticket of 360684 but have gotten no replies on it.

Here's a video showing how hot it gets and the error message.  The heatsink is over 170 degrees F in some spots right before it shuts down by itself.  

I already have a case number from DJI to exchange it and also from Apple (where I bought it).  I'm unsure if I should believe DJI that I can get a new one back in the promised 7-10 days based on how long a friend of mine's repair took.  Apple is backordered 2-3 months but at least I know I'll get a new one without any hassles.  Any feedback from folks who did a DJI exchange before on how long it takes?
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DJI Natalia
Flight distance : 318 ft


jaysine Posted at 2016-12-13 10:25
Here's a video showing how hot it gets and the error message.  The heatsink is over 170 degrees F in some spots right before it shuts down by itself.

I already have a case number from DJI to exchange it and also from Apple (where I bought it).  I'm unsure if I should believe DJI that I can get a new one back in the promised 7-10 days based on how long a friend of mine's repair took.  Apple is backordered 2-3 months but at least I know I'll get a new one without any hassles.  Any feedback from folks who did a DJI exchange before on how long it takes?

May I know your case number? we'll help you check the status.
Generally speaking, it will take around 7-10 working days for the process.
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Flight distance : 297497 ft
United Kingdom

The first I've seen of this sort of error. Not good. Can imagine a new average Joe pilot who's set up his brand new out of the box Mavic Pro with it being his first ever drone, and headed out with it for a quick test flight only to have it miraculously explode at around 100 metres in the air and then somersault into a group of trees within 10 minutes of take-off, possibly less.

Further proof that DJI may be rushing production on some units in order to successfully ship out all orders. I'm praying to God that my Fly More Combo order arrives in perfect working order and with all of the included accessories.
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Flight distance : 297497 ft
United Kingdom

If you're brave enough, could you perhaps record a video of the aircraft hovering above the ground at an altitude of 10 metres for around 5 minutes or so? Or at least until the aircraft shuts off or does something. Just to see what happens. Maybe the aircraft makes an forced landing upon the error message popping up. Be interesting to see what it does.
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So.... what was the solution given by DJI?
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Flight distance : 230180 ft

Enkeixpress Posted at 2016-12-14 18:55
If you're brave enough, could you perhaps record a video of the aircraft hovering above the ground at an altitude of 10 metres for around 5 minutes or so? Or at least until the aircraft shuts off or does something. Just to see what happens. Maybe the aircraft makes an forced landing upon the error message popping up. Be interesting to see what it does.

Good idea. Since it's going for repair, might as well do this test to find out what it does when it's overheating.
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Flight distance : 297497 ft
United Kingdom

Dudez Posted at 2016-12-25 21:23
Good idea. Since it's going for repair, might as well do this test to find out what it does when it's overheating.

But then again, I can see from the video that the system shuts itself off after around 20 seconds or so if the fan is detected as not running at all. So I don't think he'd even be able to get into the air at this point. It's an really expensive ornament now until he gets it repaired.
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Bent Kangaroo
Flight distance : 362510 ft

Enkeixpress Posted at 2016-12-14 15:55
If you're brave enough, could you perhaps record a video of the aircraft hovering above the ground at an altitude of 10 metres for around 5 minutes or so? Or at least until the aircraft shuts off or does something. Just to see what happens. Maybe the aircraft makes an forced landing upon the error message popping up. Be interesting to see what it does.

Brave enough to test an already known faulty item???

If your car leaks all its coolant out of the radiator and you contacted your mechanic who is coming over to fix it, why would you start it up and run it to see how hot it gets knowing there is no coolant in the engine??
Stupid idea!!
If the problem has been identified, ground it and fix it without damaging the entire unit with silly curiosity driven actions.
Brave enough or just plain stupid?
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United States

jaysine Posted at 2016-12-12 06:23
I got the warning message the first time I tried to fly it, but I haven't tried to fly it since because I'm sure the outcome would be tragic.  I live in Florida and the ambient temperature is already hot enough so running without any cooling seems like it's doomed.  The heatsink on the bottom of the unit gets too hot to touch within minutes of turning the aircraft on and there's never any audible noise from the fan and any air movement coming out the back as others have described.  I can stick a small wire in the fan grill behind the camera and see that the fan is NOT spinning on it's own and I can get it to move with the wire so I don't think there is anything touching the fan to restrict it's movement.   I filed a Zendesk ticket of 360684 but have gotten no replies on it.


I got my DJI Mavic yesterday and I am having the same exact issue. I cannot hear or see the fan running.  I have gotten the core overeating notification 3 times.  The two previous time i shut it down immediately and let it cool off, then got the same notification on the next go round.  Did DJI have a solution or did you jusdt return it?

Any suggestions?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4698707 ft
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United Kingdom

Or if you are reasonably confident/competent remove the 'upper' cover and check the fan is actually plugged in.

Maybe a solution to sending it in.

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I received my new Mavic about 4 hours ago and have this same issue.  No fan and "aircraft core board overheated" message displayed.  This happened during firmware updating (got through it by doing it in -10c).

Time to open a case :-(
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fanse18c0676 Posted at 2016-12-31 08:09

I got my DJI Mavic yesterday and I am having the same exact issue. I cannot hear or see the fan running.  I have gotten the core overeating notification 3 times.  The two previous time i shut it down immediately and let it cool off, then got the same notification on the next go round.  Did DJI have a solution or did you jusdt return it?

Any updates?  I am going down the road of a replacement with DJI - curious if there is a fix you found (although with the temps I expierienced I'm worried about how much shorter the life span of the aircraft is now - burnt my finger and discoloured a wood table).  
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Flight distance : 42234 ft

United States

jkstraw Posted at 2017-1-3 22:28
Any updates?  I am going down the road of a replacement with DJI - curious if there is a fix you found (although with the temps I expierienced I'm worried about how much shorter the life span of the aircraft is now - burnt my finger and discoloured a wood table).

i have the same problem i cant send my drone to service center ,i open check the fan ,alll is okay but the fan dosent work !!! any idea ?
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Flight distance : 77103 ft
United States

I have had my Mavic for about 2 1/2 months now and have never had any issues with it. I too got my Mavic out today to upgrade to the latest firmware, and it turned off about 40% of the way through the upgrade. I turned it back on and it asked me to restart the upgrade, so I did. It did the same thing as before, but maybe a little sooner. So i picked it up and it was scorching hot! I let it cool off and looked up the issue, which is what led me here. In the mean time I turned it back on and listened for the fan to kick on, it never did. And after almost exactly 9 minutes, it shut down. I got a warning on my screen this time though because it wasn't in the middle of an upgrade. I took a video and I am going to try and upload it. Does anyone have any idea why this would have just started happening out of nowhere? I haven't flown the Mavic in two days and I had no issues with it that day; It sat in its case in its designated area those two days. Also what is DJI's manufacturer warranty? If it needs to be sent in and repaired am I covered since it seems to be a failure on the fans part. Or do you have to have DJI Care?  
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Flight distance : 77103 ft
United States

Here is the link to the video I created on the issue ...
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Flight distance : 77103 ft
United States

Kccrippin Posted at 2017-3-4 06:55
Here is the link to the video I created on the issue ...

Here is a link to the video I created on the issue ...

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Flight distance : 134908 ft
United States

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Flight distance : 77103 ft
United States

Citation Posted at 2017-3-4 07:50

Did they say whether or not they were going to charge you for the repair/replacement ?
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Flight distance : 142615 ft

looking at the video, seem like some hardware issue...
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Anybody has resolved the problem? I have the same issue and now my mavic go to SAT in Netherland!!
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United States

Mine is doing the same exact thing, no fan turning on while idle and gets very hot until it shuts it self off. Do I have to send this back?
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I am having exact same issue, just got the drone 10 days back and tested first time today.
Totally disappointed, it's almost that DJI is conning people with defective products, right out of the box.
Did you guys find a solution ?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4137720 ft
United States

Can you guys post the manufactured date of the MP.
Maybe a bad production batch or something.
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Flight distance : 307100 ft
United States

I'll add myself to the list of people facing this problem.  Seems to have come out of nowhere.  The fan used to turn on about a minute after powering on the Mavic.  Now it doesn't turn on at all.  It over heats vary quickly if not in flight, but during active flight with some air movement, it doesn't seem to overheat as quickly... this is in Portland, Oregon, with quite cool ambient temperatures this time of year (60F).  I've opened a support request with DJI and will see what they say.
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Flight distance : 247142 ft
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United States

Mine came Thursday.. I charged it, then updated the firmware. I noticed during the firmware update that the fan was extremely loud, but just attributed it to the processor working harder during the update. Friday the fan would no longer start. The bottom where the heat sink is was hot enough to burn, after a few minutes the app showed a system board overheat alert, and the Mavic shutdown. I opened an RMA ticket but have yet to receive a shipping label. I bought directly from DJI, I wished I'd just bought at Bestbuy, at least then I could just return at the store. Support would give an estimate for replacement time. I hate that I just paid $1K for something that I can't use, and can't get a speedy replacement.
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Flight distance : 307100 ft
United States

fansee1b008e Posted at 2017-4-29 16:13
I'll add myself to the list of people facing this problem.  Seems to have come out of nowhere.  The fan used to turn on about a minute after powering on the Mavic.  Now it doesn't turn on at all.  It over heats vary quickly if not in flight, but during active flight with some air movement, it doesn't seem to overheat as quickly... this is in Portland, Oregon, with quite cool ambient temperatures this time of year (60F).  I've opened a support request with DJI and will see what they say.

Well, I've opened a case and am returning my Mavic to the DJI Service Center for assessment tomorrow.  No idea how long it will take, if I will get a replacement, or if they will find a way to repair it.  But like most others, I'm very disappointed.  I love flying the thing and am bummed that I likely won't get it back in time for a trip I have planned in two weeks.  At the very least, I hope/assume whatever the resolution that it will be covered by warranty.

As a side note, I did notice that I don't see to have any problems with overheating while in flight; the airflow from the flight motion and prop wash seems to be adequate to keep it cool, at least in Portland spring ambient temps.  But as soon as it lands, it gets hot pretty quickly so I shut it down immediately.

Also, while I was troubleshooting and trying various firmware upgrades and downgrades, I learned that if I trained my wife's hairdryer (low speed, no heat) right at the front of the aircraft, it stayed plenty cool through an entire 30-35 minute round of firmware upgrades.
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Flight distance : 41181 ft
United States


I was downgrading the firmware using Assistant and it got to about 89% and stopped. The fan wasn't running and it was very hot. I waited a while and tried to reconnect to assistant to no avail. The fan was not coming on, even though the firmware was working (the drone wasn't bricked). I called customer support and they wanted me to send it in. They told me it wasn't a software problem so there was nothing I could do. I was advised not to try anymore.  People must have burned up their boards. The last time I waited 5 weeks for a replacement and I wouldn't expect any different based on other stories I've read.

Before starting a return ticket I figured I'd try one more thing. I got out my heat gun (a hair dryer would work) and ran it in the cool setting (no heat, just air) pointing it into the air intake behind the camera. It connected to Assistant and reported that it had the firmware. I told it to refresh. This time it went 100% and, then the fan started up. Now it's working normally.

It seems that the firmware update process can kill the fan till it's fully done. Having your own auxiliary fan available may be a good idea when doing firmware updates. Maybe this will help others that get into this boat.
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Flight distance : 307100 ft
United States

Well, DJI finally provided a repair quote after having received my Mavic for assessment.  Apparently they'd like to charge me $200, to repair all kinds of things that I did not think were problems, e.g. replacing rear rotor arms, gimbal mounting bracket, and a number of cables, none of which seem to have anything to do with the fact that I'm getting the aircraft core board overheat message because the cooling fan is not running.  I sent a response asking them to clarify how the listed repairs are going to resolve the overheating problem, but I'm definitely not feeling any confidence that they even read the message I included when opening my case.  It seems that they just received my Mavic, had a look at the outside, and saw some things that I had already repaired and decided to charge me $200 to replace those without even acknowledging the reason I sent it in.  Not happy with my DJI service experience so far.  And of course, I have nothing to share with regard to how the cooling fan issue gets resolved as they seem to have completely ignored that issue.
Use props
Flight distance : 105535 ft

I Confirm that Et-arts method WORK WELL (thank you !!!)
After last firmware upgrade (v01.03.0700) my drone fan stopped and "overheat alert" showed many times {:4_142:}, so I attached my mavic pro to my macbook, launched dji assistant 2 and flashed with first firmware release ( v01.03.0600), first time it didn't work, so I tried to flash the oldest one ( v01.03.0550 ), at the half upgrade procedure finally my fan came back!!!!!!
After finish the downgrade, I flashed again with latest firmware (v01.03.0700) and my fan now work perfect.
IMPORTANT : If you flash firmware without fun the drone power off for overheating, so I put an ice bag under the mavic and hair dryer with cold air pointing behind the gimbal.
My drone i'ts save, thank you very much
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Flight distance : 10 ft

Im gonna +1 myself to this problem now too. Gonna try and Et-arts it I guess
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Flight distance : 10 ft

Dereleke Posted at 2017-6-9 17:05
Im gonna +1 myself to this problem now too. Gonna try and Et-arts it I guess

So went from latest version down to first. Then first to second. then second back to first. Then first now back to the latest version with no downgrade or upgrade able to fix the issue. This all started only when I went from the last version to this latest version just today. Before that EVERYTHING was perfect and no fan issues. All of a sudden i try an upgrade and my month old machine is overheating and I'm supposed to believe it wasn't from a firmware bug?
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Flight distance : 1123048 ft

Et-arts Posted at 2017-5-8 16:51

I was downgrading the firmware using Assistant and it got to about 89% and stopped. The fan wasn't running and it was very hot. I waited a while and tried to reconnect to assistant to no avail. The fan was not coming on, even though the firmware was working (the drone wasn't bricked). I called customer support and they wanted me to send it in. They told me it wasn't a software problem so there was nothing I could do. I was advised not to try anymore.  People must have burned up their boards. The last time I waited 5 weeks for a replacement and I wouldn't expect any different based on other stories I've read.

Just stopped by to thank you Et-arts! Happened to me moments ago... I've put Mavic on top of the ice-bag and hit  "REFRESH" on current firmware. After firmware refresh - disconnect usb and reboot Mavic. Voila! Fan working as intended. Thnx Et-arts !
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I received my Mavic Pro Platinum on Monday, tried it out on Wednesday, and noticed the unit was overheating almost immediately. I didn't even realize there was a fan that was supposed to be working. I flew it around the house and the air movement kept it cool, but as described above, if I try updating the firmware while it is on a table, it gets too hot to touch. I followed Et-arts' suggestion and set the unit in front of the air conditioner while I updated the firmware. It kept cool, but no fan. I downgraded it, upgraded it, refreshed it, and still no fan. On Monday, I will contact DJI support. Frustrating.
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Support chat was friendly but did not seem familiar with the problem. They gave me replacement number which I guess is good.
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United States


So good news, i just discovered the solution to the porblem of the fans not working on mavic pro.  So i crashed my mavic pro last weekened and my fan stopped working. today i took my mavic apart and discoveres that the fence that the fan sits behind is made of some sort of flexible aluminum that bends easily and was bent inward slightly which was slightly  touching the fan impeding its movement. This is enough to completely stop the fan from operating all thogether.

All you have to do is take your finger and press the aluminum fence outward to bend it away from the fan slightly and your fan will operate again.

I learned the hard way i had already bought a new fan and installed it and was wondering why even the new fan wasnt working. Its amazing how the slightest touch can stop these fans from operating.
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