Flight distance : 165105 ft
DJI-Jamie, Let me call Frank on the direct "red" hotline phone. Just to see what all I can do, to get it done. ;-)
Hello, Mr.Wang, yeah it's RedHotPoker, you know Me, from thee Forum. The DJI Forum. Yeah, you guys have a forum!!
I was only calling you tonight/today, to make a request on behalf of the fine moderators and awesome admin staff.
They love to self promote when ever they get the chance, so I figured, why not let them earn a Shilling or a few Pesos a small piece of the action. Hahaha, ya how true. Yeah Ok, well thanks anyway, and for your precious time, & all those many incredible drones, multi rotors, intelligent flight batteries and delightful peripherals. Yeah, same to you... No, I won't ever call you again, sorry to have "interuptus" your romantic interlude. . . Wow that was bad timing!!
There, thee deed has been done. I have planted my own seed... Haha
Albert Einstein was a day dreamer, so was Leonardo Da Vinci.